
Cliquil 1226

"What makes this game great?" you casually ask your friend. "Well," they say pushing their nerd glasses up to their nerdy face as they begin to talk about games like poetry. "I feel like people get to make more choices in this game that really effect them..." "Oh really....?" you say.

And thus you play this deck.

You don't want to play against their deck, you play against your opponent's mind. Grinding their ability to make decisions down into the ground. Where econ denial denies them money, ice destruction denies them protection, Laramy Fisk floods them with cards, you want to flood them with choices. So much so that they can't then make choices on their own turn except to concede. Concede and accept your genius.

There is a bit of an old style Andy shell just to facilitate you but then you want to be having tuns like this:

"Woman in the Red Dress fires, do you draw?" "Errr..." "I play Information Sifting, make two piles. Make the choice!" "Err..." "I play Push your Luck... how many Credits did I spend?" "Err..." "I trash the Muertos Gang Member. What do you rez?" "ERrrrrrrrr" "I play Leverage. Am I immune to damage or can I have bad pub?" "Wait... I...." "I played Rigged Results to attack your remote. MAKE A CHOICE" "I can't. I don't.... nooooo!"

At this point your opponent concedes and you win.

Of course, how this actually plays is as a bit of ludicrous fun on a casual night. Any excuse to play "Push Your luck" is amazing, and Rigged results is actually quite a strong card that can get you out of the kind of binds that this deck will often find itself in.

I have mostly lost with this deck, of course, but then... that wasn't really the point now was it?

26 Jul 2016 Brightsides

It was tons of fun to play against, I will give you that. Although when I trash away all the choices it becomes quite easy...

26 Jul 2016 Cliquil

Ah yes - warning: Playing against kill decks will be frustrating when they take away your choice to make them have choices.

26 Jul 2016 Swiftie

I came here with looking for ideas for a criminal deck, then i saw who made it. 'Shakes fist' GUY!

@Brightsidesmurder is normally the correct answer :D