Watchwoman xX v2.1

Bl4nk3t 622

This Deck has placed 16th in the Double Play Community Event in Berlin 2018.

It was a wild ride which I quite enjoyed!

Wins against CtM, Gargarin, CI ( Brain Rewiring ) and losses against CI (Reversed Stintson), once in a landslide and narowly another time, and - well... against Scorpios Defense Systems... Where it might be worthwhile to rebirth as soon as possible ( even into Quetzal, depending on the number of Barriers faced ).

I do quite like this version and deem it pretty refined for this archetype, at the moment there is nothing I would change.

I could see an I've Had Worse in here somewhere, or another Retrieval Run, but I'm not sure what would get cut in their place. Loosing one Levy could happen, in exchange for more econ in the form of Deuces Wild / Deuces Mild aka Build Script but this is very risky - probably too much so.

CBI Raid was tried as a possible counter to CI, but Information Sifting just serves better overall - and it costs 2 credits less!, Even against non-CI it is pretty worthwhile to draw 3 cards for Obelus seeing the larger pile of a 5 card hq.

Obelus is pretty vital, as is God of War. Since the latter might get played from archives with the Retrieval Run (which in itself may be Same Old Thing'd ), the primary worry is to get the Obelus into play - since it helps making central singel accesses worthwhile.

There are quite some shenanigans that can be pulled, to get to these - once I Rebirthed since I knew the last 5 cards in the Stack would contain the last remaining Obelus and God of Wars and drew them like a peasant.

Using Trope early might pay of, when the Stack eventually runs out - it is just too nice, to be able to pick 3 times Mars for Martians and a Counter Surveillance as the new Stack.

This deck is suitably poor for an anarch until the tags get out of hand, and Mars for Martians starts getting better than Hedge Fund. Peace In Our Time helps greatly. Sometimes it is wise to postpone the peace and keep the corp down anarch style.

If the corp asset spams, the Imps become a prime target for Retrieval Run recursion.

Don't make the mistake and leave the corp be too long. The pressure of an AI Breaker with a Dean Lister or D4v1d backup is real.

Rebirth when the stack is empty, or shortly beforehand for optimum effect. Primary Target is Omar, but Kim and Quetzal might work as well. I don't really see Reina or Alice as being worthwhile for this deck.

On both days together I only flatlined once, against a Jinteki Trap after hitting a Chiyashi on a central.

Jarogniew was really essential in the Brain Rewiring CI matchup, as was Information Sifting - which is hard to time right, but well worth it.

In case the gameplan is not clear enought already: Take all the Tags and get in a good Counter surveillance Turn consisting of: Mars for Martians, Dean Lister, Counter Surveillance install, Counter Surveillance Run.

Bonus Points for having an Imp or two with a counter ready, to trash vital threats, like Tag Punishment or a preinstalled D4v1d to replace the Dean Lister in a pinch.

20 Feb 2018 Syntax

If you need 3x IHW, then -1 Trope / -1 Imp (3 is too much, even with no Larla). Then be a better drawing MaxX @ 46 cards.

With 2 Larla you DON'T need 2x Trope.