No New Friends [1st @ Berkeley CO]

Wentagon 389

I don't have much new to add to the canon of why the Loup deck continues to be good, but as someone for whom the deck didn't click until today more or less (going 2-1 with the one loss being a very avoidable blunder late in the day), here are a few of my learnings/takeaways:

  • Audrey is pretty good, actually (shocker). I have been installing it earlier with less money left over and not regretting it.
  • Not rushing to take money off of a fermenter, especially when you don't have a good simulchip target or something you need to use money for immediately, is good. Discipline.
  • When sleeving this up I was a weenie and was too afraid to cut a killer. I used revolver exactly once in all my games, and now I think the influence is better spent elsewhere.
  • Slotting Pinhole instead of buffer driver felt correct, and probably saved me from dying to a Neurospike deck using Holo Man (which was the card that prompted me to put it in).

This deck is good. Season to taste and win games. Many thanks to my team for showing me the light.

7 Apr 2024 FireRL (aka xFWx FIREBIRD)

☀️🚨 👈 👀

7 Apr 2024 FireRL (aka xFWx FIREBIRD)

great work ❤️

7 Apr 2024 maninthemoon

Well played @Wentagon You can keep your pinhole, but join me in the cut the killer camp 😹

7 Apr 2024 alexreynolds

I like reading your blog! Thank you for posting something helpful. So many clever ideas quordle)