Vampdromeda - BETA

x3r0h0ur 8956

Looking for some feedback here. This is a financial pin deck.

Utilize the pheromones interaction with vamp. Use gorman drip to kick them while they're down. UWC keeps the disparity going, and allows you to stock up while you're using pheromones to make impactful runs on HQ. Needs some sort of R&D punish though.

For those worried about MU, don't forget that Djinn can host Sneakdoor. Djinn also tudors for crypsis, so it's not coming out. Special order is there for when the ice gets too thick to run with just crypsis.

Easy marks let you get the train up and rolling quick, maybe even a turn 1 vamp! I wouldn't consider cutting easy mark for this reason. It helps you get the pheromones going.

To this end, doppelganger is in the deck instead of desperado because of the power of pheromones. You are more and more likely to be successful each time you're successful. With 2 pheromones out, you get 2 'credits' per successful run (sure its only against HQ). Also it interacts with vamp so you can take pot shots at R&D after siphon/vamping.

The inspiration for this deck came when using personal workshop with pheromones, since they can be applied to workshop items during runs against HQ.
20 Nov 2013 HepatitvsJ

I forgot about pheromones. I need to rework my C4 in HQ deck and add 2-3 or them and vamp. I never put enough effort into the pheromones/personal workshop combo when it first came out. Looks interesting. Nothing I'll be play testing but I'm interested in hearing how it does. :) Now...if some people would just show up to play tonight. :(

20 Nov 2013 Treiclon

In my vamp/econ denial deck I used rooks to keep the ICE expensive, crescentus and ES to derez them again and FAO to trash it when he couldn't pay them. All this because the deck is called Crypsis Training, and as the name indicates, Crypsis is the only breaker in the deck. At the time I didn't thought of Pheromones and Gorman drips to power the deck, but it looks good. I used Compromised Employee since the corp was going to spend a lot of time rezzing them again. All this was jsut the preamble for what I'm about to say, ready? Here I go: I think your deck needs Same Old Thing. Probably dropping 1 Mr. Li, 1 Emergency Shutdown and 1 peacock. I mean, you don't even have E3 implants, Take a look you might aswel put a leviathan instead. For funsies.

I'm not a fan of dyson mem chips and underworld contacts, but if it works, it works. You need the MU and underworld contact will last longer than daily casts, although slower in the revenue.

Good luck!

21 Nov 2013 x3r0h0ur

Treiclon - While I like rook in these types of decks, I don't feel like it has the clicks for it. Which leads me to why I use Mr. Li. Without running hostage, I need to be dumping big clicks into drawing. This simultaneously let me be more randomly threatening, while helping find the pieces of UWC. I must get Mr. Li early. This deck allows the corp to accumulate some money, but then takes it right away. The concept of your denial deck seems to be ALWAYS keep them broke.

I know how inefficient peacock is, but there simply isn't room for gordian blade or zu. Ultimately peacock is only marginally worse than blade at tollbooth which is the only real code gate I'm afraid of. I could try to squeeze in the INF for Yog, using link to bypass possible vipers....

E3 would be great if I had room, but 1 of e3 is not worth the slot. If UWC proves to be too slow to get going, I might fit it in with room for casts. The thing about this deck is that it has no multi access, so the game will be longer (with the corp being poor too), so UWC shines a little brighter than it normally would.

4 Dec 2013 omegalife2002

This is easily the most inventive Andy deck I have seen in a LONG time. I would need to build/play this before I could give any kind of coherent feedback, but I had to give you props for an original idea that looks to have decent legs!

5 Dec 2013 HepatitvsJ

I like the deck but I say it's not an UWC build. Your pheromone/vamp is what you should concentrate on. If you're keeping them poor with that combo you NEED Forged act orders. vamp them broke them FAO them or E shutdown/FAO a nasty ICE. This can clear HQ keeping the strategy viable. No ICE on HQ means they have to install and gain 2c...what ICE do you care about encountering for 2-3 rez? :) Peacock isn't that inefficient since most CG are 2 str so it's just 2c to break each routine. I'm fine with Peacock. I would go -3 DMC, -3 UWC, -1 Mr Li for +3 FAO, +2 Kati Jones, +2 Hostage. This gives you 4 Mr Li so you're more likely to get him sooner, which will help get Kati too. FAO is a vital and cheap part of keeping the runner poor. force them to spend $ when and where you want them to or trash ICE is too good. I know you want to get UWC to work but this isn't the deck imo. :)

7 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

ive updated this privately w/o uwc econ, which as usual disappointed. im looking forward to putting grifter in to push the run success advantage. my private updated version, which is mildly different is 11-2, 1 tme the opponent was very good and smart, the other i got really bad draws, never hit the combo. it is brutal when you get going. usually post agenda score, siphon, get gorman and 1 pher up, and youre set.

doppleganger constantly impresses me, not just for pheromone tokens, but hitting rd post siphon is amazing. ill post this again post mala tempora.

7 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

i should say the new version has same old thing, testing inside job, dirty laundry, and some other goodies :P