UnSable Concoction - 2nd at Danish Nats - 1st after Swiss

JackMade 3259

4-1 in Swiss, 1-2 in the cut

Nyusha "Sable" Sintashta: Symphonic Prodigy has been my favorite runner for quite some time now and i started to build on the deck from rotomappliance from EMEA 2023. I personally don't like Deep Dive that much, so i was intrigued by a built that did not use it.

Card Choices

  • 3x Hermes: This console has been working best to enable my run econ by bouncing ICE protecting centrals and since i want it early to get the most out of it, it needs to be a 3-of. Additionally it gives you some outs, that you would not have otherwise contesting an imprenetable remote by just bouncing the advanced card.

  • 3x Dr. Nuka Vrolyck, 3x The Class Act, DreamNet: Most versions of Sable i saw online were very light on draw which i didn't like too much. So i went with the full package of the 7 best draw cards in the crim card pool. Dr. Nuka Vrolyck was especially good since you could draw even if you go down in handsize because of Dr. Vientiane Keeling.

  • 2x Mystic Maemi: I found this card to be pretty good to enable The Twinning and since i am naturally playing a lot of events, it made just sense.

  • The Twinning & WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ: The multi access tools that work very well together. While The Twinning can be charged while you are not running, WAKE Implant v2A-JRJ gives you the option to go for a deep dig into R&D in the later stages of the game.

  • Hannah "Wheels" Pilintra: Very strong asset tech and works also nicely with Security Testing and Bankroll. Sadly Security Testing does not interact synergistically with Info Bounty or Aumakua but is still worth the include.

  • Cezve: My late game fuel for The Twinning and econ that can give you the edge to close out long games.

Notable excludes

  • No Deep Dive: Even though Deep Dive works nicely in Sable with the extra click you gain, i did not feel i have the influence to include it. Also it asks for a lot of money to pull it off and sits in your grip until it can be used and is weak to getting damaged out of there.

  • No Daily Casts: I wanted burst econ over slow econ so i decided on Carpe Diem and Bankroll over it. It is still a strong card and i ponder if a version with Paladin Poemu instead of Mystic Maemi is actually better.

Tournament Games

1st round - Win (1-0)

(against Martin on Ob Superheavy Logistics: Extract. Export. Excel.)

I played against a relatively new player on Ob. He had kind of a rough draw and i got my setup going pretty quick and The Twinninged my way to victory.

2nd Round - Loss (1-1)

(against Zombie on Haas-Bioroid: Precision Design)

I made a pretty big mistake early where i discarded my Mutual Favor over one of my Cezve. I lost way later because i could not find my code gate breaker. Had i kept that Mutual Favor, this might have gone different. It was still kind of a close game and the only one i would be losing on the day.

3rd Round - Win (2-1)

(against Lasse on AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World)

He was not starting up strong leaving some centrals open so i could steal an early Bacterial Programming. He drew all 7 cards but just couldn't find his Dr. Vientiane Keeling. So I was able to establish a controlling board state before i even got close to losing to a Dr. Vientiane Keeling.

4th Round - Win (3-1)

(against Johan on NBN: Reality Plus)

He was playing a asset based deck with B-1001 as main tag punishment. He scored an early AR-Enhanced Security and i just ignored the assets and tried to find points in centrals. At some point i steal an agenda turning on Oppo Research. He obviously plays that card next turn and my plan is to just remove 4 tags and be fine, but i roll R&D as my mark and so i decide to value run R&D for the Sable click and some other run triggers. Sadly i hit the one card i dont want to see, Tomorrow's Headline. So decide to go tagme. In the end it worked out and i can close out the game, before he can use the fact, that i am in tag hell.

5th Round - Win (4-1)

(against Jinsei on AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World)

This game was way closer than my first game against AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World on the day. Jinsei opted to bring a version with Adrian Seis and Warroid Tracker as his defensive upgrades to protect Dr. Vientiane Keeling. Fortunately i could win in centrals before Dr. Vientiane Keeling reduced my handsize to -1.

19 Sep 2023 Jai

"Didn't you hear me telling you to throw it?!"

Great deck name, congrats on the placement!

19 Sep 2023 JackMade

Thank you! I probably add some more explanation and maybe some matches that i kinda remember (my memory is terrible) when i am home at my pc.

27 Sep 2023 alebdaa

شركات مسابح الرياض توفر خدمات تصميم وتركيب وصيانة مسابح في منازل العملاء. وتهدف هذه الشركات إلى توفير مسابح ذات جودة عالية ومناسبة لاحتياجات العملاء ومتطلباتهم المختلفة.تتميز شركات مسابح الرياض بجودة الخدمة والعمل الاحترافي الذي يجعل العملاء يشعرون بالثقة والراحة التامة في العملية بداية من مرحلة التصميم وصولاً إلى مرحلة التركيب والصيانة.و تتخصص هذه الشركات في توفير مجموعة متنوعة من التصميمات والموديلات والمنتجات لتلبية احتياجات العملاء المختلفة، فيمكن للعميل اختيار الموديل المناسب حسب مساحة الحديقة ووضع المسبح فيها، ويتم توفير ميزات إضافية مثل نظام التدفئة والإضاءة والجاكوزي وغيرها حسب طلب العميل.وتشمل خدمات شركات مسابح الرياض أيضًا عمليات الصيانة التي تهدف إلى تأمين الحفاظ على جودة المياه وسلامة المسبح بشكل عام. ويتم توفير خدمة الصيانة بشكل مستمر لضمان عدم حدوث أي مشاكل في المسابح وإصلاح أي عطل فني بأسرع وقت ممكن، بغض النظر عن نوع الأعطال التي يمكن أن تحدث أو مدى تعقيدها.وفي الختام، تعتبر شركات مسابح الرياض خبراء في تقديم حلول مسابح مثالية وفاخرة التي توفر الراحة والتسلية للعملاء وتحسن جمالية منازلهم وأسلوب حياتهم.

شركة مسابح بالرياض

28 Sep 2023 NWE

@alebdaa: If i understood arabic, this would probably be quite the interesting read :D

Thanks for your feedback!

28 Sep 2023 NWE

Google translater gives:

Riyadh swimming pool companies provide design, installation and maintenance services for swimming pools in customers’ homes. These companies aim to provide high-quality swimming pools suitable for customers’ different needs and requirements. Riyadh swimming pool companies are distinguished by quality service and professional work that makes customers feel confident and completely comfortable in the process, starting from the design stage all the way to the installation and maintenance stage. These companies specialize in providing a variety of designs and models and products to meet the needs of different customers. The customer can choose the appropriate model according to the area of ​​the garden and the placement of the pool in it, and additional features such as a heating system, lighting, Jacuzzi, etc. are provided according to the customer’s request. The services of Riyadh swimming pool companies also include maintenance operations that aim to ensure the preservation of water quality and safety. The pool in general. Maintenance service is provided on an ongoing basis to ensure that no problems occur in the swimming pools and that any technical malfunction is repaired as quickly as possible, regardless of the type of malfunction that may occur or their complexity. In conclusion, Riyadh swimming pool companies are experts in providing ideal and luxurious swimming pool solutions that provide Comfort and entertainment for customers and improve the aesthetics of their homes and lifestyle.

Swimming pool company in Riyadh

28 Sep 2023 JackMade

@alebdaa: If i understood arabic, this would probably be quite the interesting read :D Thanks for your feedback!

Google translater gives: Riyadh swimming pool companies provide design, installation and maintenance services for swimming pools in customers’ homes. These companies aim to provide high-quality swimming pools suitable for customers’ different needs and requirements. Riyadh swimming pool companies are distinguished by quality service and professional work that makes customers feel confident and completely comfortable in the process, starting from the design stage all the way to the installation and maintenance stage. These companies specialize in providing a variety of designs and models and products to meet the needs of different customers. The customer can choose the appropriate model according to the area of ​​the garden and the placement of the pool in it, and additional features such as a heating system, lighting, Jacuzzi, etc. are provided according to the customer’s request. The services of Riyadh swimming pool companies also include maintenance operations that aim to ensure the preservation of water quality and safety. The pool in general. Maintenance service is provided on an ongoing basis to ensure that no problems occur in the swimming pools and that any technical malfunction is repaired as quickly as possible, regardless of the type of malfunction that may occur or their complexity. In conclusion, Riyadh swimming pool companies are experts in providing ideal and luxurious swimming pool solutions that provide Comfort and entertainment for customers and improve the aesthetics of their homes and lifestyle.

Swimming pool company in Riyadh