Thameside Asset Defence

Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Meathir 6

13th at London Regionals (went 4-3 overall, 2-2 on this with a mega brick on stream and an unfortunate 4 points off a 1 charge R&D Twinning that was probably winning otherwise).

Play Malapert. It digs you out of the credit hole tutoring Extract and/or fetches Audacity, and then you can scoop it.

I might cut the Slash & Burn and go back to 3 Azef because so far I've needed to FA my last points and am missing a 3/2 more than I have bricked on too many agendas (plus even if you do, you still need one of those agendas to be Slash & Burn - my omega flood stream game was missing it for it to give me a chance to claw back).

I cut down on assets in anticipation for Hoshiko/Audrey decks to flood the meta, but most people were on Crim and I only faced one Audrey the whole tournament (who bricked horribly, sadly for my opponent). So maybe a W2W can come back, or maybe people will play Hoshiko more in the future as expected.

27 Feb 2025 Meathir

Play Malapert. It digs you out of the credit hole tutoring Extract and/or fetches Audacity, and then you can scoop it. I might cut the Slash & Burn and go back to 3 Azef because so far I've needed to FA my last points and am missing a 3/2 more than I have bricked on too many agendas (plus even if you do, you still need one of those agendas to be Slash & Burn - my omega flood stream game was missing it for it to give me a chance to claw back). I cut down on assets in anticipation for Hoshiko/Audrey decks to flood the meta, but most people were on Crim and I only faced one Audrey the whole tournament (who bricked horribly, sadly for my opponent).