Basic CT Rig Runner

Burn_The_Peasants 1

This is a pretty honest, no frills runner deck that means to establish its rig and hammer home the runs, fueled by Magnum Opus economy.

I haven't felt the need for more money as you can Test Run or Self-modifying Code for your Magnum Opus.

Scavenge has a few cute interactions.

-Can stop the program you Test Run in to play from being sent to the top of the heap if you play it by the end of the turn in which you played Test Run.

-Can reset where your Femme Fatale bypass token is as you gain new information about the corp's ICE.

-You can't retroactively host programs on Dinosaurus but when you scavenge and it is considered a new card entering play, you can then host to Dinosaurus

I like the quasi rule bending feel of the card a lot.

The deck also has a relatively solid focus on compounding value to runs by way of multi access. The Maker's Eye as well as HQ Interface just flat out win games sometimes.

The Maker's Eye is an especially strong follow up play to Indexing.

Otherwise it is a fairly straight forward events package that gets a little more mileage from Same Old Thing recursion.

Escher is an oddball card I am trying out and am not 100% sold on as of yet. It's got a lot of potential but has failed to produce meaningful results in practice.

There's another route to go here, which is trimming down on multiple copies of ice breakers and adjusting the influence spent in order to bring in Special Order from criminal. I personally like the in faction SMC, draw cards, more copies plan better as I have found it more consistent, though you do end up with more dead draws over several games, so that's something I am currently thinking about.

Any feedback or input is completely welcomed.

2 May 2018 BlackCherries

Seems like you're restricted to Revised Core, C&C and Blood Money right? If you're not, there's little reason why you're playing Dinosaurus.

Magnum Opus is a great card but it seems like you overestimate it a tad - I noticed you have no other direct economy cards in your deck, not even Sure Gamble! You're going to find that there will be games where you don't find your Mopus, Self-modifying Code, or Test Run turn 1 and you're going to be in a lot of trouble then.

2 May 2018 BlackCherries

Oh yeah, Beth Kilrain-Chang is a great card, add it at least as a x1.

2 May 2018 Burn_The_Peasants

@BlackCherries This is just the version I've been playing so far, slowly adding things in as I grab Data Packs.

Yeah Dinosaurus was more or less for a lack of a better option. I was originally playing a different suite with a singleton Mimic along with Dinosaurus and The Personal Touch. I didn't end up finding it very good in the end.

Not sure what I would play yet in that slot but I'm definitely not attached to Dinosaurus. May also cut Stimhack down to 1, cut Escher completely to make space as I get more stuff.

Beth Kilrain-Chang is pretty decent. Definitely a card I have been thinking about.

2 May 2018 BlackCherries

If you pick up Terminal Directive, which has a ton of great cards for both sides (although limited to Shaper/Criminal/Weyland/HB only), try Ubax so that you can spend turns clicking Mopus while Ubax draws you a card.

2 May 2018 Burn_The_Peasants

@BlackCherries Ubax is pretty decent. I don't really need the +MU but the draw isn't terrible. Could also just play Earthrise Hotel in some number too.

Also been thinking about Professional Contacts in some number.

My only concern is ProCon + MOpus in the same deck makes it a bit durdly and that might injure my interests in the early game a bit.