Hayley Over London

kendernwj 2

Don't usually publish many decks but wanted to get opinions on if this deck sends feasible.

The idea is to use Hayley's ability with replicator to quickly put out multiple copies of the same hardware. Do you think by playing the hardware 2 or 3 at a time it will virtually make the deck size more predictable?

Once I get London Library in hand and Overmind, the thought is to recur it using a bloated mu and recurring credits. I have femme there as well to snipe if need be or to protect from swordsman.

Data folding and criminal contacts for drip econ, Kati for burst. My hope though by mid to late game I'll be self efficient.

31 Jul 2015 patrick.eaton

My first though, is way too many cards. With that many cards you'll be struggling to get the parts you need and I think there is definitely some fat to cut.

31 Jul 2015 kendernwj

@patrick.eaton I have a similar feeling. My thought is that I get Replicator out as fast as possible, either by draw or by Tyson Observatory and then I can play multiple hardwares at the the same time. So really my three Cyberfeeders are one big Cyberfeeder. I'm just concerned about getting those resources I need out fast enough to support this plan.

2 Aug 2015 patrick.eaton

Are the MemStrips just there for data folding? Cause I feel like they can go. Same with Legwork and the HQ Interface, you've got the parts to keep RnD lock. Indexing could help with that as well. I also think that Public Sympathy and Sacrificial Construct will almost always end up as dead draws. Even with Hayley's ability, you don't have enough draw econ to keep your hand reliably stocked to 7 or 9 cards.

5 Aug 2015 kendernwj

Sorry @patrick.eaton been running around like a mad person. The MemStrips are for that and powering Overmind. Public Sympathy and Sacrificial Construct are there to adjust for play. The Sacrificial Construct are there in case I end up having to rely on needing more clicks and sacrificing that instead of Overmind (netting me two clicks) or to block a program/hardware trash from an ice or other card. Public Sympathy is there as an option should I run into a death by a thousand cuts style deck or another corp style the relies on net damage. It will slow this deck down a lot, but rather have the option there just in case. As for the HQ digging, I did this because I like the idea of being able to access the corps whole hand once, and most of their hand the rest of the time in case they glacier up R&D with something that just costs too much to get past. Though costly in influence, I'm not sure what else I would use the influence on.