Daily Tagmari (2nd Turin Regional)

Ar00nDELL 248

There's not too much to say about the deck (thanks @Tugtetgut) being something pretty well tested and refined by far better players than me (Tugtetgut, Paulyg, dome).

Didn't know what to expect from the field so I just chose something I was comfortable with and didn't think had any terrible matchup (the worse is probably Nexus 419 but I thought that with new MWL it could more or less disappear). I tested also some Gagarin before the tournament thinking that MWL hit wasn't that hard on the deck but in the end I decided that I didn't want to annoy all my opponents for the day.

Brief tournament report:

R1 - Koga w/ Leela I do not remember too many details about this match. I created a double remote in order to have a steady Daily Quest flow of credits. I was lucky enough to survive 2 cards deep (RDI installed) R&D run to bounce advanced cards and was able to keep a spare click after scoring in order to address Leela's bounce. He set up, used Kati a lot and he was also able to DoF me but in the end I succeeded at tagging him and then EoI.

R2 - Atien w/ FTT Val I think this is a pretty hard matchup for Val and even if Elisa played really well I had all the right tools to make impossible for her to stop me from scoring, avoiding the tags and win the economic war so I was able to Sea Source - ASI - EoI. That mostly sealed the game.

R3 - EdoBram w/ Circus(?) Hayley We were both 4 - 0 so we IDed. We still played and I think this resulted in being the most tiring game of the day. Edo played a very unusual (especially by the breakers and console perspective) Hayley deck with Proco, Rezekis and Film Critic. I created 2 remotes before securing the centrals to rush some points and not getting too low in the economic war (Daily Quest worked for some turns before he could get in and trash). I got to 6 points after succeeding in a Sea Source – ASI – EoI play that also removed a lot of his economy and the feared Film Critic. The Kittens were all in his score area though and he had a complete remote lock -he went through it I think 8 times while I was installing and recycling NGO and other assets - thanks to the 3 Rezekis going (he went tag me in the end game). I was able to tax all his recursions (he didn’t install Brahman earlier for fear of IP Blocks I guess) and, in the end, with a 1 card deck, score the final 15 Minutes.

R4 – Sid / Val Apoc ID again but we played one game. I was able to find enough ICE to close centrals and create a remote, then start scoring fast enough. He wasn’t finding key pieces and in the end I was able to close the game.

TOP4, Round 1 - Darta w/ Val Apoc We played this matchup quite a few times both on Jinteki and live so we know each other decks almost card by card. I score an SSL and a 15 Minutes, he gets both Kittens from R&D and some other points but he had to finish a round tagged to land the 2nd Apocalypse. Even if he rebirthed as Kim he couldn’t find all of my EoI (I already played a Preemptive Action while the 2nd one got trashed) so I exchange one GFI for the 15 Minutes and shuffled it back. Being at 6 with both QPM in his score area I had again to rely on that agenda so I Iced the centrals enough to avoid the risk of the 3rd Apocalypse (with Thimblerig and Border Control as insurance), he missed the single access on a five cards HQ that had the winning SSL and in the end I score out. Incredibly tense game that could have gone one way or the other. Luck was on my side this time but @Darta is always one of the players I fear the most here in Italy.

TOP4, Round 3 (Losers Final) - EdoBram w/ Circus(?) Hayley (again) He was able to get to 5 points before but I got a Raven Counter in the meanwhile. Probably considering that and finding Raven everywhere (2 on remote, 1 in R&D) he decided to go tag me allowing me to ASI/EoI. Pushing him back a lot I was able to drain his recursion enough that he couldn’t get in anymore (Lady exhausted, all CC used and Brahman discarded). Another great game with Edo that also won the prize for the most original deck of the tournament!

The deck went 6-0 during the day and I would make the same choice going back, I really can’t find any change that could make the deck better (probably changing agenda composition from SSL to Beale, including different tag punishments or trying to squeeze a Crisium are the possibilities that could be evaluated). Thanks a lot to Jolly Joker Turin for guesting us, to @Darta for offering his wonderful house to me and others for the weekend allowing us to partecipate, to the whole field of runners (Jessica, Luca, Ardu, Francesco, Elisa, Claudio, Kai, Daniele, Stefano, Rebu, Paolo, Edo, Darta, Sid and Joke) for spending 2 days of lunches, dinners, drinks (and Netrunner) together, to Aurbits for the additional prizes. It was really fun, I hope to see you all again soon!

25 Jul 2019 Porkobolo

nice report!