Next Rush 4th place Russian regionals

Mortivor 117

Hi there this was my corp deck on Russian regionals in Moskow which help me to climbe to the top4 (and after that lose all the matches). This is improovement of one deck I played in the past which was adaptation of another deck that I saw on NRDB. It was called Ultraviolet Stinson Next but I don't remember the author. Sorry for my bad english.

Packs were legal for Kampala Ascendent so I want to try Surveyor. Also this deck was a meta call because of Strikes which was totally aproved. I saw tons of strikes that runner players ditched into the bin.

Gona tell you little bit about matches. There were 5 rounds of swiss.

1st round agains Khumalo. Lose to agenda flood.

2th round agains Ken Tenma. Fair game. Win because of money advantage and bluffing that there is no agendas in HQ won me that game.

3th round against Smoke (I hate smoke). Win by agressive rushing. My opponent didn't find his paperclip or SMC on time. So I score 7 points behind vanilla.

4th round against CV Val. In that game runner was too rich. And I couldn't find my economy. Easy los.

5th round against Pirate Haley. Won just because of great luck. All my cool ice just sucks against birds and crocodiles. But my opponent got lots of unlucky accesses, so I won.

After that in top 4 I lost first match against CV Val due to not having ice in opener and topdeked 6 agendas out of 9 in first 3 turns. This could happend to anyone.

After that I lost match wit my Leela deck to actual champion.

I think performance of NEXT was pretty well and it could be much better if not only awfull agenda flood. But shit happens.

Some thougths about the deck.

Agendas: CST and SSL for money. And SFT for saving lots of clicks and building impenetrable remotes. Also I play it because I don't like jinja grid. I simply don't like to give runner information about my ice. Many of you probably prefer to play vitruvius in this deck. But I just simply want it to be that all scored agendas have strong impact on the game.

Economy: Transactions + Stinson package = lots of money. NGO good money and bluff card. Totally worth it playing 3 copies. Assembly Lines for mitigatiing overdraw from ultraviolet and another target for architects second ability.

ICE: Best ice in the deck is actually vanila. Best openers are with it and CST or SSO. SFT is also good if you have a source of money like hedge. Siedr is prety taxing on remote. IP Blocks as turtle hate. Fairchailds gives you incredible tax against anarchs. Architect is always good. With NGO you can do such a trick. Instal architect protecting remote with NEXT ability and on first turn instal double advance NGO in it. Runner vould check and you will get free architect fire + recure your NGO into another server. Feels good. Surveyor is a beast. Espessialy if you can install more then 3 ice protcting remote with SFT. Sadly no tag punishment in the deck.

Other stuff: good old ash is still good at defending agendas. Sometimes you want him on HQ or R&D because remote is already is very strong. Also recurable with architect. Cyberdex against Kumalo and turtle. Bryan Stinson - when you can fire it game is ussually yours. But today runners are ussually smart enougth to not go down below 6 creds. Best use is to fire last click ultraviolet clearense before scoring overadvanced SFT.

Conclusion. This deck could perform better but there is always the chanse to wifth on your ID ability. This is the deck for players who like to go ALL IN. You either will win on turn 7-8 or lose horibly to agenda flood. This is the cost of playing ID that ignores Employee Strike.