shaper #1 of mine

mjach 1

just my first attempt at deckbuilding

11 Jul 2014 x3r0h0ur

You might try using SMC instead of special order as your tutor, since it can also get cloaks. I would drop either rara or ice analyzer and fit in 2 account siphon to help get cash fast enough to monolith cards into play. I think procontacts could also be diesel or quality time.

11 Jul 2014 mjach

x3r0h0ur, thank you for your comment:)

SMC is a great idea, I am not familiar enough with available options, this looks so obvious that I know question myself we haven`t I done it myself.

As for account siphon - I really hate being tagged as this deck has good resources to be trashed and if you have to remove tags both manually and immediately - this is quite distracting from your gameplan. (and this deck has enough money anyway)