Who you know...

x3r0h0ur 8956

...is more important than what you know.

This Andy deck is about fast set up of super strong connections. Hostage to tudor for Mr Li is usually the right choice, using him to find the other friends. Basic Andy deck otherwise with mighty R&D draw as I usually do in my decks. 2 fronts to attack, and thus defend on, make remotes weak. Sneak door adds another front.

7 Dec 2013 Treiclon

Instead of Underworld Contacts that depends too much on Link, why not compromised employee that combines nicely with emergency shutdown? It would also work like Access to Globalsec (only for 1 trace though) freeing some extra space for more cards, maybe Same Old Thing?

7 Dec 2013 x3r0h0ur

Nbn is big, so link pulls double duty. There are 5 cards for link and hostage for Uwc. The passive econ while blanking trace cards, making Uwc and sea source tougher, all good reasons to run link. Without the link and Uwc economy, sure sit and casts are better. I see everyone using compromised employee. I hate it. Over the course of a game maybe 6 ice get rezzed. You might get 2 out. The recurring credits for trace are half as good as actual link. I think they get equal credit gain over the course of the game, and link it is better.

ES is strictly for big ice on remotes.