Overmind at the Library

Diegofsv 1368

A crazy concept using overmind + london library + Autoscripter. Some Observations:

1 - NEVER INSTALL MAGNUM OPUS OUTSIDE LONDON LIBRARY. You dont need a lot of money, so use it as a Day Job at London Library ou get 6 credits and call it a day if you install all those Q-Coherence. You will need the free memory.

2 - INSTALL CLOT OUTSIDE LONDON LIBRARY ASAP IF YOU ARE AGAINST FA. Just...do it. When the corp purges, its time for some legwork.

3 - Try to grab a replicator ASAP.

Have fun.

11 May 2015 UminWolf

I would think you want a random Mimic in here in case you run into a Swordsman.

Other than that, I love using Haley with hardware :)

12 May 2015 Heinrich

I think I'm confused. How do you plan on using Magnum Opus on London Library? Installing it, taking 4, and bringing it back to your hand is pointless as you might as well click for four credits.

Installing it, taking 6, and letting it get trashed kills your Q-Coherence chips and isn't even that efficient anyway, 6 credits in four clicks isn't all that good.

12 May 2015 Diegofsv

@Heinrich with Autoscripter installed you will gain a click when you install it at the library, meaning you can grab 2 extra credits.

12 May 2015 bubbathegoat

I think the 3-card combo of Autoscripter, Magnum Opus, and London Library is too clunky to function as a reliable economy. You are also losing 9 influence on Autoscripter, which you don't seem to be using otherwise since you have very few programs. Why not use Armitage Codebusting?

I also noticed you are running Overmind with no console. There is an opportunity to gain additional MU to support Overmind, ICE breaker credits, and some link strength if you use The Toolbox to give some trace resistance.

12 May 2015 Diegofsv

@bubbathegoat Autoscripter and London Library are the core cards of this deck, alongside Overmind. The idea is to install Overmind at the library, run 3 times and get it back. Magnum Opus is there just because it may work as an in-faction Day Job. You won't need too much credits here because you will install Overmind for free and it will be buffed by multiple LLDS Processor and thats why you need Replicator fast. Most consoles are too expensive or worthless for this deck since all you want is a bunch of free MU, so other types of memchip are probably a better option. Deep Red seems like a nice console here, but I would probably go for MemStrips if I really need more MU

12 May 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I wonder if Tyson Observatory would be worth the slots. You could go down to 1x Autoscripter, maybe 2x Replicator and also be able to pick up e3 Feedback Implants. This would greatly reduce the amount of you need free and let you actually keep Magnum Opus installed without worry. With the extra influence you could even grab another Legwork or something!

13 May 2015 UminWolf

@FarCryFromHuman: I definitely support Tyson Observatory in this deck. I've been playing with Hayley and Tyson Observatory with hardware for a bit now, and it's really good with Replicator.

My current thought on this deck throw in 3 Tyson Observatory, go down to 1 Autoscripter and 1 Replicator, and throw in a single Box-E for more memory. I would drop the Akamatsu Mem Chips because I think Q-Coherence Chip is enough for Overmind.

My experience with Hayley has been that you run out of cards in your grip pretty quick, so you are clicking to draw quite a bit. So I would recommend 2 or 3 Professional Contacts for click compression. Plus, it goes well with London Library and Tyson Observatory when you use Hayley's ability :)

On a side note, LLDS Processor is such a beast in this deck!

13 May 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Symmetrical Visage is going to be better than Professional Contacts in most cases because Hayley really likes cheap installs. Otherwise I agree.

13 May 2015 UminWolf

@FarCryFromHuman: I get she likes cheap installs, and if there was more draw power in this deck, I would probably agree with you that Symmetrical Visage is better. But I find myself sometimes spending 3 or even 4 's to draw cards with Hayley even with some extra draw power. Baby only gives you a credit on one of those, so you're not getting anything except a card out of other draws.

I'm pretty sure with Hayley you to draw twice in a turn at least 4 times a game, and I think that's a really conservative assumption. With the early install of ProCon, you'll be netting 3; with Baby, you'll only net 2; and that's under the assumption you're only spending at most 2 's to draw a turn and only 4 turns the whole game. My experience has been that I'm spending a turn dropping 3 or 4 cards, and then the next turn refilling my hand and my credit pool. ProCon let's you do both simultaneously, which is a huge bonus when you need to dig for a Sure Gamble to get your 's back.

But that's all based off of my Hayley Kaplan experience, which I could be doing wrong by playing so many cards in a turn.

13 May 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Ah, I guess I didn't think you needed to draw that much. Earthrise Hotel might be an even better choice then; just use your for installs, events and runs. Professional Contacts is going to be a lot more stable, of course.

13 May 2015 UminWolf

@FarCryFromHuman: Earthrise could be a good choice. My Hayley decks have all had a breaker suite that I installed, so I needed more econ. Since you're using London Library, you might not need as much econ as I did (assuming you hit your event econ early game to get setup). If this turns out to be the case, then Earthrise Hotel could very much be the better choice if you aren't having to draw much more than the cards Earthrise gives you.

I look at Hayley as a compression monster, so whatever I can do to get more out of my 's I want to do (which is why I usually choose Comet as my console for her). Professional Contacts is just another piece that adds that, albeit, the piece that can most easily be replaced.

Granted, sounds like you haven't really played with this deck yet. So I would say try it out as is first. I always have friends telling me, "oh you don't really need this, or you don't need that many of those." When I haven't even played the deck once. So it's best to see how the deck does not in theory-craft land. You could be totally right on that Baby works perfect for how much draw you're actually needing to do in the deck.