2nd limited card pool tournament Kate

karlakas 4

This is my runner deck I piloted at a limited card tournament in Tartu, Estonia on 10th April, where we had the limit of using either 2 deluxes, 1 deluxe + 2 data packs or 4 data packs. The deck pulled its weight extremely well, going 6-0, however my corporation was a bit underwhelming, going 2-4, so these 2 decks got me the 2nd place at the tournament.

Since I really liked the cards C&C had for their raw power due to the deluxe being released early in the game, so I went with C&C as my main addition. After testing a few times some C&C only versions I felt like HB FA would suit the C&C cards the best and I also felt that my big rig Kate was lacking consistency, making it tough to find memory and/or hand space. Due to that I felt Cyber Exodus had the tools i needed with Project Vitruvius for Fast Advance agenda and Personal Workshop for program and hand clogging issues. The 4th slot is mostly a flex slot and I chose for it The Spaces Between, because I was scared of Rototurret + Corporate troubleshooter, due to expecting more HB, so I got Ghost Runner from there for more burst stealth credits and ELP for corp because I could.

About the deck:


Modded - this card seemed rather weak at the tournament, because I had Personal Workshop, onto which I loaded most of my programs and hardware. It is still useful for installing Magnum Opus, Gordian and Toolbox at an instant and there are many 3 cost cards that you can install with it after using Kate's ability for Akamatsu or such cards.

Stimhack - since this deck is mostly quite slow with ProCo being the main econ engine, and it also has a lot of instant triggered installs with SMC and PW, then this card was really great- you could make nice tempo swings at an instant and score their agendas which they thought you can't get even near to.

Sure Gamble- this card is useful when you can't get a ProCo from the start, so you can search for it a bit easier and also it isn't bad when you already have ProCo. Good card for a limited card pool.

The Maker's Eye- standard Shaper R&D focus, got me some nice accesses.


The hardware is mostly there for solving memory issues and giving recurring credits, since this is a big rig deck and Kate likes low-cost hardware. The MU was always just enough, so I'm happy with my choices. I also had the Clone Chips in there, because Kate can install them for free and with them I can recur SMCs or trashed programs.


Daily Casts - Another econ fix like Sure Gamble, too good to just leave.

Decoy - good card against kill decks that don't run MR, if you can't get enough money to run and be safe from SEA Source, then this card can give you much needed freedom.

Ghost Runner- as it was said, burst stealth credits for Dagger in case of trouble.

Personal Workshop - this card was very much needed in the game, and I'd not play this deck without 3x of them. The fact that you can just go draw-draw-host-host without any limits on money is so strong, let alone the instant speed installs for Atman and Cyber-Cypher and the 1 cred/turn it makes. Awesome card.

ProCo - the econ engine of the deck. The reasons I chose this over Magnum Opus were that this deck likes to draw, so I valued the card over the cred MO would give instead. Also MO takes up the scarce memory units and during testing I felt I had to make time for Opus, while ProCo didn't interfere at all with my game plan.


Atman - this card was a card for anything that is big and mean and is uncomfortable or hard to deal with. With SMC and PW I could use it whenever I want, but I never felt like I needed more than one.

Corroder - still good, still playing it. Limited card pool leaves no other good options.

Cyber-Cypher - Even though I didn't need that card too often, then this card helps to make cheap runs early game with SMC, Stimhack and PW, and it also helps later with R&D lock for example.

Dagger - this is a card that I absolutely loved. Even though it needs many pieces to work, I had program tutors for Cloaks and Dagger, and I also felt the closest alternative, Mimic, would cost me influence and I would need to make sure that I have enough Datasucker tokens and it would have left me always vulnerable to big sentries.

Cloak - in the deck since it gives recurring stealth cred, also Kate likes to install it for free.

Magnum Opus - even though this isn't my main econ, I still put 1 of it in the deck for late game plays, where I need more econ to make runs and less cards for setup from ProCo. Also useful for keeping pace with Weyland at the SEA Source race.

Medium- This card was very much needed for constant R&D pressure, also if the corp purges it you can get another free turn. Absolutely must-have 1-of.

Nerve Agent- when I tested this deck, then I always felt like I had a huge opportunity to punish corp for not iceing HQ, but I didn't have the cards for it. Since Account Siphon wouldn't be the pressure I could take advantage of and it takes up much influence, then after looking through my card pool I saw an awesome card called Nerve Agent- it was just the card I wanted. Won me a game single-handedly. Another must-have.

SMC - I mean, who wouldn't play it out of C&C? Absolutely awesome card with instant speed and tutoring. Also the install can be triggered on Corp's turn, triggering Kate ability.