Jinteki Shell Game v3.0 (Hank Scorpio Edition)

gotsanity 1

Place all ice on centrals with enigma on the outer layer. Install and rez ruhr valleys on centrals asap. Spend multiple turns installing large amounts of assets and agendas. Take all the bad pub in the world as long as you have a plan to remove it.

Rules to follow when playing the deck:

  1. Take bad pub... float credits.... be rich and loving it.
  2. Only ice the centrals.
  3. Never rez anything immediatly after installing (Except Ruhr Valley, this needs to be rezzed BEFORE the run is announced). Make them guess. Drives them nuts.
  4. Don't worry if they score... the amount of economy they just sacrificed for that one pointer is HILARIOUS.
  5. Every turn ask them how many cards they have in hand (scorch bluff).
  6. Every time you install something in a remote, pause, look them straight in the eye, and calmly announce that you are installing a snare. Cackle maniacally. Profit.
21 Apr 2014 bubo

Are you aware that the Runner only has to access one piece of ICE in the Central run before jacking out to satisfy the Replicating Perfection condition to run remotes? Enigma would cost them 2 clicks, but if there is no ICE on the remotes then that second click is just a speed bump.

This appears to be a derivation of db0's Untrashable build that reduces the defensive features while increasing Agenda density without proper support.

Your economy is particularly vulnerable if you follow the described strategy. PAD Campaign and Sundew are an easy justification of 2-3 clicks to trash. Three clicks is assuming that you can gain enough credits early enough to even rez the Ruhr Valley, which is going to be an uphill battle in this build.

Your ICE density is only 9 pieces to 49 cards, an 18% draw during the opening hand. With an opening hand that would be good to have a single piece of ICE in it, the Runner has free reign on your remotes by running the Centrals that are not ICEd up.

Your Agenda density is very high due to the proliferation of 1 point Agendas. An R&D runner with Interfaces or Keyhole would have a field day on this deck, but the extra Agendas seem to focus mostly on removing Bad Publicity from your Shinobi and Profiteering. Considering that you recommend just floating the bad publicity, the question has to be asked what the point of increasing Agenda density with this is for?

22 Apr 2014 gotsanity

I've been running this build for some time with great success. I tend to encounter both types of players in regards to the single access vs whole server access. It's about 50/50 in my local meta. I tend not to have any issues with getting ruhr valley up quickly and the bad publicity only sticks around for a turn or two.

Typicaly if someone is willing to waste three clicks for a single pad campaign its a fair trade in my book. After trying to trash a couple of assets most people give up and go for the R&D dig. This is the weak point of the deck that requires the most attention. Focusing on drawing and installing will protect you in most cases (however I have yet to go up against a good noise mill deck with this build and imagine it would be a hard win).

Another point of note is not to worry too much about letting an agenda or two go early game. By mid game you will be scoring them very fast and you typically will have two or three agendas installed at any given time surrounded by random assets and traps. The key is that this is a never advance deck that requires lots of clicks be spent on installing random cards in random servers.