SBT was right - 7th @ Summer Showdown

wowarlok 1177

honestly... yeah

This is the 74 cards monstrosity I piloted at ManInTheMoon's Summer Showdown.

The list is based off of @sebastiank's big Ob list.
When testing the original list he mentioned it being weak to Maw, since it can take out Mutually Assured Destruction and End of the Line out of HQ with every access and our centrals are not very well defended, so @coldlava suggested importing the Reconstruction Contract combo package as an additional way to kill the runned or force trashes while hiding the important pieces in the clown car remote that the deck wants to create anyway.
That theory worked very well as the list went undefeated in swiss before dropping a game in the top cut where I drew 18 points in 26 cards, such is the life of a 74 cards list: sometimes variance will get you.

The deck suffers massively from the 24.05 SBL: first it loses access to recoco and it has to go back to MAD+2xEotL kill line as the only winning play, additionally the Knobkierie ban will push more anarchs on maw, making the field more hostile towards it in general.

A huge thank you to ManInTheMoon for running such a cool event!

Shoutout to sebastiank and coldlava, for building and refining the list, and the rest of TAIB for being the best people to play or talk about netrunner with!

To the players in EA Sports: you might have had our number this time around, but we're gonna get you back. See you at continentals!

20 May 2024 coldlava

I love that this list got to see the light of day before it was banned. Nice finish and I'm sorry to all your opponents

22 May 2024 maninthemoon

Very cool list, Thanks for playing. Personally glad to see this on it's way out (At lease Recoco!) ❤️ But congrats on giving it one last epic ride!! We can keep MAD EotLing people to our hearts content. Thanks for playing ❤️ 8️⃣ 🎱