Angery Anarchy Doggo - 3rd Place Birmingham SC

Zo3 (TR1S) 625

Angery Anarchy Doggo

As I wrote in the corp write-up, Birmingham was a good time. 10/10 would return :)


Since becoming imbued with some of the power of the Dark Lord, I have developed an insatiable hunger for corp credits. That and Dumblefork let me down in Sheffield. So I have moved on to Siphon Whizz and have been having a lot of fun with it. It still struggles immensely against Joeybacks, but does have some potential ways to win by controlling the economy or landing crucial keyholes early. This version has been slightly tweaked to assist in that match-up, with Archives Interface being added.

Y u take my money?

It's fast and aggressive. I like it. It spends all its influence on Account Siphon and Parasite, aiming to land the first one and then just lock the corp until it can keyhole them to death. A few tastier includes such as Wanton Destruction (which is a gorgeous card) and Archives Interface round out the package.

Tournament Performance

The deck went 3-1 over the four rounds of swiss, losing to a Jinteki Biotec FA deck that managed to score out a Nisei Mk. II before I could find the Rumour Mill necessary to land the first Siphon. After that it became increasingly difficult to money up and also hold the corps credits down and he biotic'd out an improved protein source after I whiffed on a bunch of keyhole accesses. Wins came against Hasty-CI, Hot-tubs-ish Gagaring, and Temple Snek CTM.

After the cut I played three runner games going 1-2. It obliterated poor Dan Sargeant's bankers CTM by tossing a million points in Archives off one Wanton Destruction and then running to find another GFI that had been discarded by a very flooded Dan. It then had to face the two hardest matchups of the day in NEH run by both Tim Fowler and Alex White. In both games a failure to control the board and some painfully unlucky Keyholes (I hit all three Jacksons, but no agendas in 7 against Alex) meant that I was dumped out of the cut.

Still, if you are going to lose then lose to good players like them.


Erm. More archives interfaces? They seem important against asset spam, but God knows what to cut for them.

Obviously, any and all suggestions are welcome :)