
London 235

This deck is a response to the current runner meta, where anarch reigns supreme. Bin breakers absolutely hate DNA Tracker, Anansi, and Bathynomus. 16 ICE in a 44 card deck helps quickly find enough ICE to deny Hippo.

It's also well positioned against Esa - Genotyping is recursion positive, RH naturally ICEs archives heavily, and regenesis actively likes it when they sabotage agendas. Also Esa often doesn't run hippo, and oof does this ICE hurt without any hippo threat.

Ganked! is like a superior Snare! (as long as you don't care about the tag) - it costs 0 to fire, ideally taxes the runner 9, and is an upgrade, so play it like a better manegarm if you want.

The deck needs 1 barrier to force paperclip installs. It could be Data Loop or even Ivik, but I spent influence on Border control. It can stop important runs depending on the matchup, and is pretty troll to trash itself right after they install the now-useless paperclip.

3x Bathynomus is important - you want to double or triple ICE archives, so these are never wasted. They are also Hippo protection on other servers.

The agenda suite is very strong. The runner will probably need to steal 4 agendas, given that stealing multiple Obos is incredibly difficult. Andrej's agenda math spreadsheet puts it at 19 accesses, but that doesn't take into account whiffing on Obo. It's also possible to keep the agenda density low-ish even as you continue to glacier by repeatedly refilling R&D with Genotyping. It's labor rights for corp that also turns your ID back on (and can be a cheeky way to setup regenesis without tipping your hand if you rip a 3-pointer off the top).

Potential Changes:

  • 3rd Anemone? It's great for protecting obo in archives/remote, but very weak otherwise. 2 is enough. Smart runners will save Steelskin for these.

  • 2nd Thimblerig? This thing can be great, but the second has greatly reduced utility (and they are pretty weak at actually ending the run against anything other than Black Orchestra).

  • Chiyashi? Wayyyyy too expensive.

  • Data Loop? Really expensive to rez, but decent ICE for the remote to tax and guard an obo push. Worth experimenting.

  • Mavirus? Good vs Aumakua, but so is 3x Bathynomus.

  • More Ganked? Influence is tight, and this card shines once you have a big ICE rezzed on each central. Cutting econ to get more ganks means your ganks whiff more.

  • 2nd Big Deal? Too expensive.

  • Sansan City Grid: An interesting idea, but you are paying 5 on the rez (minus advancement it saves) and a card to reduce the risk (runner doesn't steal a regenesis if they run it). But, the runner could run archives instead, and you still lose the 3 pointer there. I don't think the influence, slot, and 5 creds is worth it, but perhaps it's the best idea here.

  • 1x Sandburg? This seems really cheeky. Great when you're on 3/4 points and looking for Big Deal+agenda. You don't need a remote for much, and you're tough to pinhole. It's not intended to lock the runner out, but to tax them HEAVILY. However, this is already a very advantageous position, and the card is pretty dead early game, so not worth IMO.

  • 1x Biovault? Similar to Sandburg, but more focused on enabling a regenesis play (since it guards s1 and archives, unlike Anoetic Void). It's a pretty big commitment to spend a turn setting it up but could be worth it if you lack scoring opportunities and want to force one. But you need to already be ahead on money.

  • 3x NGO? Appealing, but NGO is actually not a great economy card, so it loses a lot of value if you can't bluff it as an agenda. IAA on low creds is not strong enough of a bluff, therefore cutting an NGO for a celebrity gift, and making real threats out of your 2x NGO, is better IMO.

  • Cut a Genotyping? 4 recursion cards is a lot, but Genotyping is so good in RH, and recurring your econ and remote threats is really strong. Also this card destroys Esa.

  • Simulation Reset? It's a weaker, 0 influence Spin Doctor. If you want another Ganked! or something this could be the way to go.

27 May 2023 Council

Simulation Reset is quite good with Celebrity Gift I feel. Otherwise giving them all that info can be a bit deadly.