Another Hoshipko (3rd at Italian National 2022 2-3)

cros 273

This is the deck I brought to my first Italian national tournament (and first tournament in general) and took me to 3rd place out of 24 with 2-1 in the swiss (fourth games wasn't played) and 0-2 in the cut where it fell against the winner and the 2nd.

Not much to say about the list, when you have 2 boats using 10 influenze the space for deckbuilding is limited but I still wanted to feel the deck really mine so I made some weird choice:

  • no Botulus, I don't like this card, I usually place it wrongly (in terms of position or timing) and I don't get enough value from it, moreover MU might be tight

  • 2 of each breaker because of lack of botulus

  • 2 Stoneship as tech against BOOM!, eventually it also supports boat

  • Clot and a Simulchip to be annoying for fast advance decks, in matchups where clot isn't needed Simulchip becomes the fourth Fermenter. After all Clot and Simulchip were a correct call since they won me a game and slowed 3 more opponents that were forced to purge

  • a single En Passant to solve the Hippo problem. When corps are using an unrezzed ICE to protect the other ones from Hippo you can run an unprotected server, get a successful run, then run a protected server, jack out after the unrezzed ICE, En Passant it, and finally run back to Hippo the ice left

  • Citadel Sanctuary was a last minute addition and it helped because I faced 4 NBN in 5 games

Despite losing 3 games I felt good about this deck, I made a huge mistake that made Darta BOOM! me in the winners bracket final but all other games were really close, especially the loser bracket final against Koga who defeated me in a great game

7 Nov 2022 mr_pelle

Huge huge huge congrats! I knew it!! ;)