Silhouette Pon de Run

ImTheBanker 141

This is a cred-rich Blackguard deck. 13 of your 40 cards are there to give you money. And you pretty much need all of those cards, since you'll want to be able to afford your 3 breakers quickly and have enough creds to run anywhere. Your first priority is making sure you have the tools to break into HQ at any time. Blackguard can wait until you have the necessary breakers. Otherwise, get into HQ, Emergency Shutdown their bigger ICE on HQ and use Forged Activation Orders if you have it to trash that pricier ICE. Sneakdoor Beta when you draw it. Déjà Vu is your plan if you fear program destruction, but it also easily brings back the event you need at the moment, whether that be Account Siphon, Forged Activation Orders, Emergency Shutdown or Inside Job. ' I haven't found much need to run R&D with this deck, but if they go all out ICEing HQ and later Archives, then take potshots at R&D when you want.

6 Jul 2014 LynxMegaCorp

I've tried making an Account Siphon + Lawyer Up Criminal; I've done once or twice, though its probably not as reliable unless you're using Andromeda. Just something to consider for a turn of siphoning + draw power. Otherwise, I love Blackguard and have my own using Andromeda.

6 Jul 2014 esutter479

Wow, I really like this build. Kudos, Banker. :) I run a Blackguard based Silhouette deck as well, but mine wields a Femme, more Sneakdoor love, more Kati and no Plascretes...cuz no Siphons, heh. It plays pretty well for the most part...I'm just bad at running against Jinteki and always faceplant into things, lol.

6 Jul 2014 ImTheBanker

@Lynx Kuroneko I can see the benefit of Lawyer Up for sure, but then I'd have to take something else out. Perhaps the HQ Interface? It's my only multi-access, so I'd be hesitant to, plus I like to avoid combos when possible, so I'm not left with dead cards in my hand too often. How does Blackguard work with Andy though? Just Satellite Uplink? Seems a lot tougher to get use out of.

6 Jul 2014 LynxMegaCorp

@ImTheBanker you have to remember... "A snitch is a girl's best friend."

Here's my Andromeda deck, just published and would love feedback.

6 Jul 2014 ImTheBanker

@esutter479 Thanks! This deck has done work so far in testing. I've never been much of a Femme Fatale fan, personally, and with Emergency Shutdown in the deck, problem ICE aren't a problem for long. I honestly might try a build without Plascrete Carapace, but I'll be keeping the Account Siphons since they're not really about me gaining money, but in theme with deck's cred-denial for the Corp. And if there's any deck that should be good running against Jinteki, it should be this one!

6 Jul 2014 ImTheBanker

@Lynx Kuroneko Yup, that can be effective. A few immediate choices stick out to me. 1) Feint instead of Inside Job. That was one I went back and forth on with this deck, but felt Inside Job is just much more useful (and has scored me some early agendas). You chose Feint just to combo with Emergency Shutdown, no? It's useless otherwise though, unless you have cards that reward those successful runs, like Datasucker, Nerve Agent, or Hemorrhage. Since neither of us is running those, I think you should switch it out. 2) I'd drop the Test Runs and go up to 3 Special Orders. I think you mainly have them there to recur Crescentus, so I'd consider also dropping a Crescentus and then running 2 or 3 Clone Chips instead. That way, you can bring them back mid-run, and you also have a plan B against program destruction! 3) I'd drop Borrowed Satellite. I know it's there for Underworld Contact, but I think there are cheaper ways to do it without using influence. And if that's gonna be your econ engine, it's almost essential to use Hostage. Consider dropping Express Delivery for it.

6 Jul 2014 esutter479

You'd think so, wouldn't ya? Lol...but I faceplanted last week...I ran HQ so I could expose the 1 ICE that my opponent had down, and grabbed a Nisei MK II and thought, "Cool."...but then he Punitved my sorry ass the next round, and I was laughing hysterically at my stupidity. I guess that's just me not keeping cards in hand, maybe? But's a vulnerability, regardless of ID, IMO. That's why I need to playtest more. OCTAGN, anyone? :P

6 Jul 2014 LynxMegaCorp

@ImTheBanker your wisdom elates me. I don't know why I decided to go with Feint, probably because I like to use the less obvious cards (hence the Borrowed, too). Your points are, well, on point. Thanks a ton, I'll make the changes and try the deck out some more!

6 Jul 2014 esutter479

Heh, I just removed the Feints from my Silhouette deck as well, Lynx. Banker is indeed wise when it comes to stuff like least I was able to get a little bit of testing in with Feint, and was moderately successful with it. :)