Argus Attrition V2

Ashockfan 1

Takes full advantage of Argus Security. Except for Global food Initiative and the 2 Private security forces (which are win conditions) all of the agendas in this deck are 1 point. This means Argus's ability will trigger a max amount of times before the runner gets anywhere close to winning.

If you can catch the runner on a tag using false lead, you can scorch and/or Private security force them out.

Because most of the agendas are 3/1s, It is usually good to play them and not advance them the same turn (unless it is hostile takeover which you should obviously just score). This allows you to bluff an ambush (which we have 3 of). The next turn you can just triple advance and score any agendas that are important at the moment.

This deck is light on ice because as a general rule you don't really care about them checking remotes. you only really need to protect R&D in the beginning, and then either HQ or a remote depending on what you are trying to do.

Later in the game you will need some ice to protect a Board Room, which stops your opponent from winning entirely. Stack 3 or 4 ice on it ASAP. Then you can start advancing other agendas and going for the win. This was the reason Global Food Initiative was added in place of the third Security Force. In the Board Room phase, it helps you win much faster.

This is V2 because the Global Food Initiative was just added in place of a Private Security Force and a posted bounty, allowing a second Fire wall to be added. Also the Second Fenris was added to replace a Viktor.

Cards that I have thought about adding but am not sure yet: The newish The Future Is Now Turing Gutenburg and crick Vulcan Coverup Gila hands Geothermal fracking tollbooth Nueral EMP to combo with psychic field

Cards that I know would be great in the deck but I just dont have and cant get: Eli 1.0 Jackson (duh)

This is a work in progress so will be grateful any and all help! Thanks in advance

27 Sep 2015 Dr Bees

False Lead worked nicely to secure the scoring of GFI. I had a couple of them scored and was about to score the GFI next turn to win, but (playing Chaos Theory) opponent had enough creds to get through any server. I find that people don't generally take False Lead into account, so I fired it after he clicked Magnum Opus twice and watched his face fall...

28 Sep 2015 FarCryFromHuman

With the 3/1 never-advance/shell game you are playing it seems like the singleton Project Junebug should probably just be a third Psychic Field. You don't really have the time to be futzing around advancing non-agendas anyway.

30 Sep 2015 Ashockfan

`@FarCryFromHuman it originally was, and then decided to experiment with the junebug as the only trap that can actually kill an opponent from 5 cards. but yes, the psychic field definitely is a better fit. just trying to see if i can maybe fit in a neural emp or two to combo with false lead and the field.

30 Sep 2015 Ashockfan

@C6H6 false lead is my favorite agenda in the deck, and probably in the game. Its effect doesnt seem like much at first, but then once you start playing with it you realize how much it actually carries the deck. (Can you believe the original version didnt have any? I decided to try one out about a week after building the original, and then it went up to the full 3 copies the next day :P)

30 Sep 2015 Ashockfan

@FarCryFromHuman it originally was, and then decided to experiment with the junebug as the only trap that can actually kill an opponent from 5 cards. but yes, the psychic field definitely is a better fit. just trying to see if i can maybe fit in a neural emp or two to combo with false lead and the field.

30 Sep 2015 Ashockfan

Thanks for the help. any other findings would be greatly apprieciated