On the Shoulders of Giants - 60th @ Worlds 2023

koga 3001

Despite being a bit of a maverick at heart, I really do love the Unband guys and all the discussions I get to be a part of. This year has been one of the first times I got to chat with really damn good players about netrunner and regularly test weird ideas against them. This deck is not one of those ideas.

As I touched on in my runner writeup, I felt like I needed to prove myself at Worlds, so I decided to go with something a bit safer and less experimental. This list is a mix of @ysengrin's and @the_king's Ob lists, with a touch of NWE. The creation date and time is "Saturday, October 14, 2023 8:51 AM". Yeah, basically 10 minutes before registration. I thought I remembered we had a chance to make last minute changes after that, but maybe I just waited too long. The list is clearly missing a 1 cost card (probably Tithe over Whitespace), which I did miss a bit during the main event. Despite that, I had a lot of fun during all my games and managed to get some clutch wins, no less thanks to Formicary, a card I've grown attached to over time (Stegodon 4 life). I used to play rush Ob without it, but I'm starting to believe it's probably correct to pack at leasts a couple.

I don't have too much to say about the rest of list, it's pretty similar to things most of you have already seen and better players can talk about it better than I ever could.

I want to take the time to just thank all of Unband again, you guys are the best. I absolutely loved getting the chance to meet most of you in person, finally putting faces to names, sharing hugs and cheers. I do regret not spending more time with you in Barcelona, but I'm sure there will be more chances (hopefully soon). You can find the rest of the shoutouts in the other list ^^

20 Oct 2023 Sokka
