In Sync

HarperX5 45

Been playing Butcher Shop for a little while and wanted to try the meat with a different seasoning. Feedback greatly appreciated.

4 Aug 2015 DarkMite2

Have you considered Casting Call? It's a great way to bait the Runner into taking the agenda or letting you score it. Put it on TGTBT and they have to take 3 tags or on Explode-a-palooza it gives you a the 5 cred swing + 2 tags to help with Midseason Replacements. If they don't touch it, you still win w/ points.

4 Aug 2015 StarryVeck

Not a criticism of your deck but I really hope the new NBN IDs move the faction's focus away from SE/meat damage, but with Jackson in faction and tagging so prevalent in NBN, what else is a player going to spend the influence on?

Good thing about this ID is it basically turns off Account Siphon, thereby setting up your Midseason Replacements's money more reliably.

5 Aug 2015 HarperX5

@lroach2 I had to Google Casting Call, but that's definitely something I'd consider throwing into the deck. Overall, I'm pretty excited for the Data & Destiny expansion to become publicly available (outside of those lucky individuals at GenCon). Any suggestion on what you'd take out to throw it in? The only cards I'm really looking at as removable right now are one copy of Data Raven or Melange Mining Corp.

@StarryVeck I'm all for the NBN ID's encouraging a move away from tagging and meat damage but I'm not sure where else you'd go if you wanted to stick to the tagging aspect. As far as I've been able to tell, all the butcher shop builds have done is efficiently punish the runner for recklessness while keeping a good balance for advancement (as opposed to decks designed specifically to kill for the win).

5 Aug 2015 HarperX5

@StarryVeck And for reference to my comment about the NBN ID's, I was referring specifically to SYNC: Everything, Everywhere.

5 Aug 2015 DarkMite2

I totally forgot this is a D&D ID. I was thinking it was Old Hollywood which should be on sale before the weekend at most FLGS.

If you are only thinking about the distant future then when you have D&D you are going to want to use 24/7 News Cycle to get the Breaking News tags permanently. (Not Casting Call)

If you want my thoughts about retooling Butcher Shop with cards available up to Old Hollywood - Let me know. Otherwise, 24/7 is going to be a BS game changer when D&D comes out. (IMHO)

(Score BN at any time. Later in the game with another agenda scored, slap down 24/7 for 0 creds getting the BN Ability– play Traffic Accident for 0 creds – Play Scorched Earth for 3 creds. That’s 6 meat damage for 3 creds or 8 damage w/ 2 SE. No need to worry about Midseason agenda theft or Traces or Tag ICE)

6 Aug 2015 rico_dorito

@StarryVeck I'd rather die by Scorch Earth then see F. Advance.