Psychbeale revised

Neuro 99

Concept explained:

Get a lot of money. Defending HQ against Account Siphon is your number 1 priority. Once you have enough credits set up the bomb, which is Midseason Replacements + Psychographics + Project Beale.

Some cards explained:

Crisium Grid is very important to defend against Account Siphon. It's trash cost of 5 together with a Tollbooth is very taxing for the runner.

Hive is the very best ice for this deck. You are not an astro chain deck! It offer amazing early defense combined with Tollbooth or Enigma

The win-win scenario:

Once you have enough creds and the combo in your hand just put down an AstroScript Pilot Program undefended. If the runner steals it you set off the bomb. If not, well score it and have that astro token.

You can also provoke the runner with laying down a NAPD Contract undefended or behind a Pop-up Window and advance it once. This is even better to prepare a Midseason Replacements.

Playtest results so far:

Played 2 rounds against a very solid Leela Patel tournament deck and quite easily won both rounds.

7 Apr 2015 Nushura

No reversed or Marked accounts? Removing money from the runner should be as good as getting money for you

7 Apr 2015 Neuro

No deck space for it. Marked account is too slow. I rather have instant money.

7 Apr 2015 umby

Seems like you could be utilizing your influence better. Are there really no ice you'd rather have over Enigma or Guard? And @Nushura is right - if the runner has too many credits, Midseason Replacements won't fire.

You have lots of flexibility with six influence open. I'd try playing with that a bit.

7 Apr 2015 linuxmaier

Among other things, put in Celebrity Gift.

8 Apr 2015 Nushura

Indeed I did not see the extra influence. When I said Marked Accounts I meant closed accounts (tag punishment, and allow you to start your engine).

With Toolbooth and Hive being the only taxing ICE, I expect to see a rich runner