Terrible Never Ending Cache

CodeMarvelous 20021

Read about me trying to improve my play


15 Jan 2015 Meme

Have u thought about Gorman Drip v1 over Cache? It has more sinergy with Hivemind...

It's just me thinking out loud though, I love the deck regardless... =)

15 Jan 2015 Regicide

Hi, I love playing Noise and I've loved reading your decklists with him. A few questions:

1) What are your thoughts on Levy AR Lab Access and Autoscripter in Noise? They are both incredibly expensive at 3 influence, but Autoscripter synergizes very well with Wyldside.

b. Do you think the influence tradeoff with Hades Shard is too much? Dropping one Clone Chip would also allow you to add a Gorman Drip as @Meme suggested.

Third: Is Crypsis a good enough breaker suite? I think you could go -1 Medium, -1 Nerve Agent, -1 Crypsis, +1 D4v1d, +2 Datasucker for a more diverse portfolio.

15 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

@Meme I dont see the synergy with gorman since you dont have to trash cache it would keep refilling and you could keep taking the tokens where as with gorman you use it once and its gone

15 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

@Regicide I think autoscripter and levy are great as long as you are going pure mill noise, which I think is more powerful than it has ever been. I prefer to play running noise which is a different animal entirely.

16 Jan 2015 SlySquid

Sorry @CodeMarvelous I posted that @Meme comment (it's my daughters account)

I see what your saying I'm just saying you could get the full use of having multiples in play, I know it's not never ending like how it would be with Cache but the "burstiness" of having three down and an Incubator with 2-5 tokens on it could make for some fun times with #hivemind...

Don't take my critasisum the wrong way, I love the deck, just thinking out load =)

16 Jan 2015 CodeMarvelous

Tone of voice doesnt come through on here @SlySquid I am not upset in any way I was just hoping for more explanation, I see the MU concern now and I agree thats an option. Honestly I am just so excited for the big box, as a long time noise player I really feel like hes the big winner.

28 Jan 2015 TipsyGamer

I don't think Cache + Hivemind works the way you describe. Adding virus tokens to Hivemind from Virus Breeding Ground lets you grab a credit by spending the virus token off Hivemind (since it's considered to be on Cache)... effectively making it the same as clicking for a credit (except you're using up virus counters to do it)

28 Jan 2015 TipsyGamer

Gorman, however, is synergistic as @SlySquid mentioned, because you don't actually spend the counters off Hivemind when you trash the Gorman Drop, but it does count its own tokens, as well as any on Hivemind, and give you that many credits.

29 Jan 2015 jdscott0111

I like the synergy with Cache and Hivemind. You'll get a feel about when they'll start purging, so you unload your Hivemind into your Cache for burst, but leave your Incubator full to threaten and still try to force the purge.

24 Feb 2015 ericbtool

you can't dump cache because it's required for early game econ. He would have to make room for gorman