HB Foundry flatline v0.1

payprplayn 15

New player here-- this is my first attempt at building a full non-core deck from scratch. I like to win however I can, but I love to flatline. It seems like most flatline decks (From what little I've seen so far) are Jinteki or Weyland, and utilize large amounts of bursted net/meat damage. I like brain damage though. While it's a painful loss of tempo and cards, a runner can come back from near-fatal net or meat damage. Brain damage is permanent, and it adds up, so even a glancing blow will affect them for the rest of the game. That's much more my style.
The basic idea of this deck is to quickly deploy the most dangerous HB ice, and force/lure them into running at it. I then want to, as much as possible, prevent jacking out, and minimize clicking though. In particular, I love the potential of whirlpool/howler to do massive damage for a very low rez cost. What's more, only AI's can stop it. I know this deck needs a lot of work. For one thing, I think it could definitely use some Jackson Howard, and possibly DBS as well. Luckily I have some influence left to play with, but I'm not sure what's the best thing to cut. I've tended to favor Operations over Assets for economy/utility in order to limit the number of servers I need to protect, and thus increase the amount of ice I can stack up per server. Really appreciate any advice on how to make this a playable/competitive deck.