
skoud 1

  1. Set up Adjusted Chronotype and Wyldside

  2. Get economy up with Daily Casts, Day Job, Sure Gamble or Liberated Account

  3. If corp sets up to score early, Set up Clot, Gang Sign & HQ Interface, plus Spoilers. You can also Hacktivist Meeting for additional Trashes

  4. If you haven't yet drawn it, get Faust. Special Order can help retrieve it. If the corp only has the 1st row of ice setup, try installing and trashing DDoS for a quick server check. It's good to have Imp with Surge setup for cheap trashes.

  5. Make sure your hand size is decent. Either Public Sympathy or Beach Party (If your Wyldside hasn't showed up yet). Draw with Quality Time and try to save I've Had Worse for damage protection.

  6. Don't forget to install MemStrips so you can use Parasite on annoying Ice like #Swordsman

R&D: Surprise the corp with Faust & Medium, or maybe even 2 of them :) This can be extra sweet when comboed with Amped Up

HQ: You already have HQ Interface setup, so Faust that shit!

Archives: Run archives when you feel corp has trashed alot.

Remotes: Just make sure you have enough cards in hand. For big ice stacks, try combo:ing Duggar's with Amped Up