chagrin station 1.0

Grapeshot Raisins 1

The asset density combined with the inbuilt taxation of Gagarin turns manhunt into MVP for this deck. For simple scorching purposes manhunt is much more telegraphed than SeaSource, lacking the control factor early game of the threat of a tag during the corps turn; However I feel manhunt more than makes up for this downside in sheer taxation, keeping the runner poor enough that landing a tag is much less of a credit investment than the traditional sea-scorch, scorch, allowing the deck to maintain a valid kill threat with a much lower credit pool. That and the fact that in concert with false leads or dedicated response team Manhunt engineers no win scenarios for a poor runner, giving them the choice to either draw up/remove the tag with a clicks or run to access more than 1 installed card. The natural weighting of cost versus reward for running naked remotes discourages runners from trying to keep up with an aggressive shell game on the corp side. The deck is very good at opening scoring opportunities for its 3/1 agenda suite, which when scored further pressures the runner ( though admitedly not quite to the extent that the modernism style agenda composition does, snowballing credits and scoring windows)

The rest of the influence choice was less easy, cerebral opens up the double scorch through a plascrete, punishing the choice of an economically limited but heavily armoured runner to go tag me, and its prescense in the deck as a threat increases the value of GRNDL refinery and NAPD, opening up options for a naked install, double advance bluff. Explaining the choice of Jackson feels like wasted words, the only subject of discussion regarding his inclusion is perhaps the choice of 2 copies and not 3, being such a valuable splash in the deck.

Assembling an ice suite in Weyland for no influence has not become as easy as I had hoped since O+C (for IDs other than BWBI), the ice feels like the weakest component of the deck and demands less answers from the runner then a deck running swordsman, lotus, tollbooth or the next suite. Ice strength composition is robust versus Atman and mediocre against traditional fracter decoder killer. The best early game ice for the deck is vulnerable to parasite recursion, target saturation of low strength multi subroutine ice has, I've found, mitigated this problem to a degree.

I would highly value any constructive criticism or suggestions for alternate card slots to optimise choices for the current meta, especially for people who have been kind enough to take the deck for a spin on OCTGN.

24 Dec 2014 GammaCodeX

I still don't see manhunt as any more taxing than the cheaper (both in cost and influence) alternatives ELP and Paywall. 1 credit is so much less than 1 click, and while paywall doesn't cost the runner money, they get you one credit ahead each run (even if multiple a turn)

With no reliable way to land a tag, the threat of scorch from this deck is nearly nonexistant. Nobody in their right mind would run last click against manhunt with less credits than the corporation. You can't tag them with no sea source or midseason, and they won't even hit snares in RnD.

I think you should find a better current, a trace 2 is not very taxing, especially when you realize Andy has desperado and a link, and Mac has link and got a discount on whatever she installed this turn, and the free'd up influence could then be spend on getting back sea source, so the runner has any reason to fear getting behind in economy.