The Gagarin Alliance

Axlotl 2680

I call this "Lets put all the Alliance cards into the same deck".

City Hall targets out the ass.

Jeeves + bluffed agendas is neat. Or just alternating Draw 3 turns with install 3 turns.

To swing both Jeeves and Heritage, you have to put some serious constraints on your influence, although I don't feel as bad doing it as I thought I might. Lotus Field x3 might be overkill, Pup is another option, but unparasitable ice is nice.

Tech Startup/Public Support felt like cards that really needed to be in here, but sacrifices had to be made to fit even 1 each. Both are nice with Museum, though. Cut the 3rd Temple and the 3rd Bankers for them.

Bluff the face down agendas, FA the public ones, or score agendas behind Tour Guide servers.

5 May 2016 Axlotl

Could also trim one or two of the HB assets for HB ice, to free up space for a couple of extra copies of Assets, but I don't feel terribly strongly about running Viper, Markus, or Rototurret.

5 May 2016 PurinaBisonChow

How do you stop Whizzard with Salsette Slums? Turn after turn, it'll pick off this deck. My version of this used a single copy of Elizabeth Mills and Executive Search Firm to, with the aid of Mumbad City Hall, to quickly and effectively eliminate the resource before it got out of hand. From there, you can loop Lizzie with Museum of History to clear that bad pub. This also has the added benefit of cutting down Faust's engine if you aren't worried abut Salsette Slums.

Also, once you flip a Commercial Bankers Group and/or when you get off your first bluffed out agenda, the runner will start checking every face-down remote you play. This also isn't that taxing for them since, mid-way through the game, you don't actually have too many assets to play so you aren't dropping 3-4 cards a turn. Give it a shot, but I don't see it being as successful as you're hoping.

Last thing, with Museum of History, how often do you think you'll have assets or ICE in archives to bring out with Team Sponsorship? I know part of the reason you're using it is because it stops the influence requirements for Jeeves but I think using it on something else might be better. Maybe replace the Turtlebacks with Indian Union Stock Exchange and then use the 6 influence on a set of Eli 1.0?

5 May 2016 Axlotl

Need the Jinteki cards to cover Heritage.

The Sponsorships are a compromise for the threat of Salsette Slums, and if you are going for a score, don't shuffle everything away. .

Salsette Slums is still only 1 RFG trash per turn. I don't think Slums is that threatening to a deck if the deck intends to score out. Slums wrecks durdly IG net damage because once the pieces are gone, they literally can't score out to win.

If they check every server you just score normally. You should be able to score decently well if they're checking, and if you can't punish them for the 1 credit/check you're going to lose anyways.

Yeah, Whizzard will be a worse match up. That is unavoidable, but if you can snowball him with assets he can't keep up. Encryption can do some work there as well.

I haven't tested this version yet, but I have gotten a few games with a pre-Salsette list that did pretty decent. I'll update when I get a chance to test it, but I come up with deck ideas faster now days than I can test them in my local meta, since nobody seems to care about playtesting any more.

5 May 2016 PurinaBisonChow

Totally forgot about the Heritage Committee and that's a fair point on the Slums analysis. You remove two Bio Ethics from IG and the deck's teeth (and win condition) are completely gone. You remove the Jeeves from this deck and you can still fast advance with Construction Co.