1st Place Game On! Chattanooga Turkey-Runner Charity Event


Game On! Chattanooga hosted their 2nd annual can drive event. A special rule-set was implemented whereby cans could be "spent" to perform various cheats. 1 can to expose 1 card, 5 cans to shuffle your deck, etc. No cans were spent on this deck.

The deck went 3-1 on the night, winning against NBN Tag Storm, Jinteki Bio Engineering, and HB Mandatory Media Blitz. The one loss was to a Haarpsichord Butchershop that had a perfect starting hand and Astroed to 7 withing 7 turns, even though I was up 4 points within the first 3 turns.

All-stars of the night were the Test run/Scavenge/Torch combo and G2 Shrike. Magnum Opus has never stopped being good. Account Siphon was useful for several crucial plays.

Thanks to everyone who came out tonight!

19 Nov 2015 sruman

Thanks for positing. A few thoughts / questions. First, how did you feel about the draw? Once Magnum comes out, click draws become relatively costly. Maybe, since SG becomes a bit redundant with Magnum on table, swapping out the SG's for QTs or Earthrise (2 magnum clicks = 6 cards is pretty nice) might help speed up the deck? Second, why Cyber-Cyper and Torch? Is it simply that you want a way to have early 1 server aggression without having to spend a fortune on SMC'ing Torch?

19 Nov 2015 SPECPOL

I don't draw much with this deck. There is not much Glacier anything in my meta, so I don't need much of a rig. It's usually not until about turn 7 or 8 that there is more than 1 ice anywhere on the board. Often I make it though a game with nothing more than Torch, Shrike, and Opus. So a typical turn is Opus x3, run. The deck could benefit from some built in draw, but i'm still too reliant on the crutch of gamble to drop it. Also, i just hate Quality time. I always have. Moving forward, I think I would drop 1 each Clone Chip, SMC, and Escher for 3x Earthrise.

From what I have seen, Kit is all about early aggression, so you need a reliable decoder that you can put out turn 1-2 cheaply. Typically I can get a cypher out turn 1-2 for at most 4 credits, and as soon as I have the Test Run/Scavenge combo Torch comes out, with Cypher getting pushed out later for Shrike.