May I speak to your manager? (2nd @ April amt)

sebastiank 1688

It's big. It's green. It's b-b-b-back!

Same strategy as my Worlds deck, updated for the new meta. Basalt Spire is an amazing addition: it frees up an influence because its not Vulnerability Audit, it does something when they steal it (unlike Vulnerability Audit), and crucially, if you score it, you can later recur two End of the Lines at instant speed whenever you need them (score against Maw decks or if you get bored).

The other changes:

  • Rashida Jaheem- Good card.
  • Winchester- Has win in the name.
  • Holo Man- Tech for reg hosh. Definitely a slots-are-hard card but he just about makes the cut (can na the spire in the yucky remote).
  • Crisium- Tech for Shaper/Jeitinho. Also a 3-rez to extract for the many juicy 2-costers.
  • Hammer- Tech for Mulch.
  • No Descent- You have to take a rezzed card off the board to use it, and every rezzed card shortens your path to winning the game.

Also, I misevaluated the deck in my original write-up: it actually is fine against mulch loup/hosh, just don't let them access hq.

Thank you Judges Aksu and Ysengrin for running the event, and thanks to all my opponents. Thanks TAI breakers* for the practice and in particular HaverofFun and AugustusCaesar, who basically let me throw corps at him until I could take a game off him. Thank you @bking for inspiring the deck name (For context, he asked me to brew a new venti for him around set release. I forgot, and then he told me that) and thanks to Jai for giving me this: moob

I was supposed to derive a decklist name from that, but I didn't know what a moob was so I didn't. Also, btw Jai, congrats for winning the tournament :P

*- Sidenote, I am no longer in Unband. With other members of the group in North America leaving, it made sense for me to look for another group as well. I'm grateful for the time I spent with all of you last year, in general and at worlds in particular. Definitely a better player and person for it.

6 Apr 2024 HaverOfFun

lesgooooooo it's so back!!!!

7 Apr 2024 BinkBonkle

Congrats! I've been waiting for the new venti brew :D

7 Apr 2024 coldlava

Congrats and nice deck, I love the big Obs!

7 Apr 2024 Council

