Sports FA Mk.Hologear 🏎 (2nd,3rd. Brisbane H1 CO 2024)

nin 108

sportsmetal 18 wins, 2 losses jnet screenshot

This is the Sports deck me and @bemi played at the CO here last weekend. We decided that even with all the mulch running around pre-banlist the act of corpo hospo'ing mavirus over and over to FA kind of just lets you BS out of a lot of situations, this deck ended up going on a 17 game winstreak on jnet casuals and on the day only lost a single game.

The gameplan is pretty simple, you just FA 2 pointers when you can. Sometimes you'll want to NA them instead, depending on the board state it's sometimes very easy to just jam a vitruvius behind a gatekeeper turn 1 and score it. Hitting threat 3 asap to turn your ablative's on is really important, doing this allows you to start forking the freak out of the runner with holomans and bass'. You can even grab mavirus back if you are worried about those pesky clot matchups (If you haven't just NA'ed every 2 pointer behind ice instead).

I think we've come to the conclusion the worst matchup for this deck is the lobisomem kit stuff. Burner and trick shot just pile on the pressure and having gatekeepers/drafters not really ever fire hurts a lot. It's still winnable but prepare for some really tense games. I assume there is another FA style but more assety sports list about to be uploaded so maybe that has the answers we never found O_O