René: Run Wyld v1.0 [SG]

easterncalculus 770

Basic System Gateway Anarch deck.

This deck is built around lots of viruses, but still maintaining a dedicated breaker rig. It's designed to be flexible to allow for different approaches to different opponents. In general, we probably want to have at least one dedicated breaker up early on (Cleaver being the obvious choice) and balance it with Botulus and Leech to make early runs. Good first-turn plays include:

  • Cookbook, fantastic due to the sheer number of Virus cards in the deck (9). The value should be returned the first time we install a Leech
  • DZMZ Optimizer, amazing card that may be required simply for the extra MU, but the discounted install cost of programs in such a program-heavy deck will turn out useful as long as we play it in the first half. Even more so if we can play multiple copies. One makes Fermenter and Leech free to install, and two makes Botulus free to install.
  • T400 Memory Diamond is an alternative to the above if facing 1000-cuts jinteki for a larger grip, but missing the crucial discount. However it may be useful when using...
  • Carnivore. Not yet managed to use this effectively, but I suspect the additional momentum of getting this out early and digging into an unprotected server could prove game-winning. Especially with our ID
  • Verbal Plasticity. Helps with accessing the rest of the deck, feeds Carnivore, and combines nicely with Wildcat Strike to offer a very high tempo.
  • Worth a mention, Wildcat Strike is a fantastic first play if possible. It either allows us to draw a much improved starting hand (with the trade-off of potentially throwing away cards) or allows us to begin the game with a huge economy boost. Best of all, it forces this decision onto the corp at perhaps the best possible time.

Our breaker suite is deliberately low-level to take advantage of Leech to avoid paying too much to break subroutines, as well as being costly enough to make DZMZ Optimizer a decent discount. Both Buzzsaw and Cleaver let us break 2 subroutines for a single credit. Echelon is easily the weakest of the set, and it might be better to forego it, instead using Botulus to bypass any sentries. Speaking of, having 3x Botulus is fantastic for penetrating deep walls of ICE. Be wary of the corp trashing ICE just to break Botulus! There is no recursion in this deck so the placement of each Botulus is very important.

With a DZMZ Optimizer and a Fermenter or two, money should not be an issue. However, there are enough Sure Gambles and Wildcat Strikes to keep up cash flow even if drawing poorly. Overclock will allow runs (and trashes) on low amounts of money, whilst Jailbreak and Docklands Pass will help us get some extra value out of our runs. Tread Lightly can be used to either punish or slip past the corp, depending on when it is used.