The Best Genes in the Club

Ensades 111

This deck went 6-1 in the 2015 Stimhack Store Champ Invitational on OCTGN. Unfortunately my corp deck went 1-6 so I ended up firmly mid-pack.

Whizzard's ability is awesome for killing econ cards, Jacksons, and those pesky Ashs. Whether your opponent is running tons of remotes in NEH or a single remote in glacier HB, it comes in handy. Plus you get access to all those red cards.

Wyldside / Adjusted Chronotype is a ridiculously powerful combo. You want to mulligan for Wyldside and hope to get Chronotype early.

Atman at 4 is a must-have to bridge the gap between the fixed strength breakers and the D4v1ds.

Progenitor was intended to keep Medium always accessing at least two cards, but I'm not sure if they were worth the deckspace with so few viruses.

Biggest problem I ran into was just a lack of money. Lots of clicks wasted on credits. I think I'd swap the Progenitors and Showing Off (I was dreaming of destroying a DBS user, but never actually played it) out for another Liberated and maybe two Armitages.

15 Apr 2015 moistloaf

I think the second Legwork is unnecessary. It could easily be a third Clone Chip. Definitely would recommend running 2 Kati Jones. other than that, grats on your 6-1

15 Apr 2015 Ensades

I think Legwork got me a decent chunk of points in almost every game I played in the tournament, so I'd be reluctant to cut one. People start focusing on R&D when you've got a loaded Medium out, which tends to create a situation where a lot of agendas might be stacking up in HQ. Also I'm not really using Clone Chip to recur anything but Parasite (and Clot, if it was ever necessary, which it wasn't all day), so I'd probably add a third Parasite before spending the influence on another Chip. 2 Katis is probably a good call. The 1-of was just intended for long slogs against glacier decks. She was helpful when I got her out, but doesn't pair well with Day Job.

16 Apr 2015 falseidol

My (completely untested) inclination is that Adjusted Chronotype+Wyldeside is unnecessary if you aren't planning to make a second pass through your deck with Levy AR. I think you will see much better bang for your buck with Earthrise Hotel and Symmetrical Visage, and with Visage, 3x Earthrise should be enough to clear through most of your deck.

That being said, I think you have a lot of cards that would benefit from a second run through with Levy, and I think making Wyldside+Adjusted Chronotype a persistent board presence is a strong deck choice, I just wonder if you're not pushing the idea far enough to justify it.