If These TreeLine Could Talk - The Bones of a Dying Grid

ChrissyGibssy 95

Restoring the planet, by any means necessary

Game Plan
Build a nice, strong, EndRun scoring remote tree (Lotus flowers always planted here), and painful, dangerous centrals. Trick of Light is our Sun; the entire plan revolves around it. Charlotte, Rashida, and the Guidance Program are our community, so should be protected if possible, but as a third priority to making a good Tree and scary Base. NGO is to be saved until the last possible second, as it's a Trick of Light target, and also pocket money for an unexpected Cloud Eater, Anansi, Attini. There are no Spin because this Corp has principles, and wants a second chance at winning Hearts and Minds (3inf), so for our "agenda's in archives panic button", we have Moon Pool's. With Trick of Light as our Sun, we need lots of valid 2 counter targets, so we use Isaac Bioseed to plant a counter, and the Cohort Program to nurse it to 2. Tricks also include: the Farm (La Costa), the Well (Moon Pool), the Forest (Tree Line), the Fox (Kakurenbo), and the Spirit Bomb (Hearts and Minds). Get creative, and harness the power of the Sun.

Install agenda, fast advance on tempo start of next turn, earn Issuaq Virtue Token, repeat, Kakurenbo a Hybrid Release and win at life

Recommended Listening: If These Tree's Could Talk - The Bones of a Dying City

8 Jun 2024 Council

I remember you was conflicted

Mispending your influence

9 Jun 2024 ChrissyGibssy

@Council - I was; tried a couple things, and ended up here. I’m not a good corp player at all, but I’ve been having fun learning with this (when Jnet isn’t lagging out…), and the fact that the theme is 🤌 pitch perfect in this iteration, made me want to post it.

This is definitely better with spin though. I’m gonna keep working on it. Tips/Suggestions?