
SyIus 23

"I want to make this city, something better than it is, something beautiful."


I've been working on this deck on and off since about halfway through the SanSan cycle. While I don't know that there is a place for it in the competitive scene, I can tell you this: there is nothing more satisfying than watching a corp get complacent up 6-0 in agenda points, then stalling them out over and over and over while you beat them over the head with more drip credits than most players see with burst econ. I have routinely gotten above 10 drip credits every turn with this deck, and I think topped out at 15.

This deck is slow. There is no way around that. But if you don't mind a long setup, and pulling the strings of a million lackey's while they build you an empire, this deck can be insanely fun. Once all the pieces are in place, Hell's Kitchen will burn, and there's nothing the Corp can do.

The most important thing to remember with this deck is to never attempt to steal an agenda unless they have already scored 3+ points or you have Film Critic. If this means the corp gets one, or even two free scores, so be it. In fact, all the better, because then your ability turns on and the drip starts pouring in. The other note is that Off-Campus Apartment will instantly speed up the deck as soon as it hits the table.

Other than that, it's really about getting a feel for the deck, and figuring out what to Hostage for and when. The Source is one of your biggest tools to slow down the corp, and there are two in the deck for a reason. Don't be afraid to drop it early; as a kicker, the response of most corps is "I never see that card, but it could be dangerous, I'm gunna play super careful" which is perfect for more setup time. once you've got your film critics out, you rarely have to ever say goodbye to either your Source or your New Angeles City Hall.

Couple card choices:

Why no Clot? I find the versatility provided by having the Scrubber for asset spam decks is nice while you setup. If you really wanted it (meta slaves) you could drop the scrubber and a film critic for one. Don't drop The Source, it works too well with all the combos you've got set up.

Saker is honestly there for two reasons. First, I don't have influence to import Corroder, and second, it's actually pretty nice to have someplace to dump extra money if you do make it late.

That's pretty much all I got. Enjoy ruling your minions, and let me know what you think!