Marcus Lockdown

Diogene 4178

Initially, the idea was to do a rig shooter. Redino987 gave me the initial idea (

After some experiment, I came up with this deck. You can see it win on stream with Theyla (at 1h12 :

Game plan.

  1. Trash the breaker of the runner. Priority of breaker to trash should be in this order : Barrier > Sentry > Engolo. AI breaker are a different beast, target them if there is no other sentry or barrier breaker on the board. To trash the breaker, use Marcus Batty. There is 9 ices of 15 that can trash programs. Otherwise, use SDS Drone Deployment. If the conditions allow (you have more creds than the runner), then use Trojan Horse.

  2. Make sure the breakers do not come back with the help of Ark Lockdown. Consulting Visit will help you here.

  3. Put the now unbreakable ice in front of your scoring remote. The runner will not be able to do anything, unless they use some tricks. Double icing everything will make use to make the life of the runner very difficult (Inside Job and Boomerang are good tools).

With this deck, you will win half your game by concession. When the runner realize they cannot run, they will concede. Currently, a lot of runner only have one copy of each breaker, thus being very weak against the rig shooting archetype.

Creds comes from Hostile Takeover, Standoff, Rashida, Hedge Fund, Too Big To Fail (TBTF) and Negociator. In a pinch, you can use Consulting Visit to use a TBTF.

Use Preemptive Action to bring back Marcus Batty, Ark Lockdown and TBTF (in that order).

Divested Trust is fun here, since it bring back SDS Drone Deployment in hand, after the runner had to trash a program. Standoff will either give you 5 creds and a card, or trash something on the board of the runner. Don't trash anything on your board, the point of Standoff is to rez Tithonium.

The ice suite.

Archer an amazing sentry that will stop the runner and do much damage. Once sentry breakers are no more, Archer will clear the rest of the programs for you. Trebuchet cost you only 4 creds to rez, because of the ID, it is an amazing ice, especially for the Outfit and it can trash a card. Even with Bad Pub, Archer and Trebuchet are expensive ices to break.

Cobra is there to provide another target for Batty to trash programs. Spiderweb is there in the case you chose to trash the barrier breakers first (sometime, there is that opportunity). It is resistant to Boomerang and it is fairly taxing early. Border Control its usual awesomeness.

There are no Code Gate in the deck. Thus, Engolo will be able to pass only one ice.

Bad Pub is not a real issue here. The ices are not meant to stop the runner, but to give you the possibility of trashing the programs of the runner. By the end of the game, you should have anywhere between 6 and 10 bad pub. With that amount, it should be trivial for the runner to pass. But without breakers, bad pub will be useless for the runner.

This deck will be a bit weaker against criminals that use a lot of bypassing tools. Also, it is dependant on you winning usually at least one psi game with Marcus Batty.

But it is a lot of fun and very interactive with the runner. Since the meta does not favor rig shooter, it is also a big surprise. Ark Lockdown is usually used to prevent Anarch from getting their rig. But here, it is an active part of the winning combo. Half the game won with this deck are won by concession. The runner can simply not win anymore.

After this, a lot of runners will restart having 2 copies of each breakers.
