Just hand me your deck

omegalife2002 3040

Accessed 60 cards in one run last night; time to retire!

Fair warning, you are entering maximum jank territory. Do you enjoy playing matches were your opponent constantly stares your board state and asks over and over, “What the heck are you even doing?” Do you not care about winning often, just making sure that when you do win, it’s a f***ing landslide? Do you want to play a deck that really just doesn’t care about what the corp is even doing? Then have I got a deck for you!

I’m going to give you a quick rundown of how to play this deck and then you too can access 60+ cards from R&D!!

  1. You need The Supplier in your opening hand. Mulligan for it. If you don’t get it, draw hard for it.
  2. Throw everything onto The Supplier as often as possible; ideally you get Rachel Beckman early because that extra click helps a ton (Do NOT use Joshua B prior to winning; just install him and leave him alone)
  3. Get as much passive money coming in as possible. Never click for credits (you don’t have time), but do use something like Liberated Accounts. Ideally you want to have 16-24+ credits when you finally decide to do something
  4. On that note, DON’T RUN. Just get a stupid thought like running out of your head. Seriously, stop it
  5. I’ve Had Worse, Quality Time, and Earthrise Hotel are in the deck for a reason, use them to draw. (Don’t use Inject. Seriously, don’t do it. Stop asking why!)
  6. So, what are you looking for? You NEED Incubator as early in the game as possible. You just need to get them out and let them sit there collecting counters. Djinn and SMC help with this. Also, get Hivemind out the turn before you make your move, maybe earlier
  7. Final step: Ok, by this time, you are probably 10-12 turns into the game. Your opponent has 5-6 agenda points scored because they finally realized you aren’t running. Now is your time to strike! Follow these simple steps and ensure your victory!

a. Click 1-3 – Move all virus counters on the Incubators to Hivemind

b. Click 4 – Mass Install 3 Mediums

c. Click 5 – Play Blackmail into R&D

d. Access the entire deck

e. Win

You have some backups for emergency cases:

• Crypsis – in case they used sneaky corp tricks to rez ice. In this case, you probably need an extra click to install him (no need for a counter, you have plenty and probably don’t need them) and you will need more money.

• Investigative Journalism – in case you think they might try to remove the bad publicity

• Fester – encourages the corp to not bother with any silly purge actions

• Amped Up – in case you need extra clicks (don’t use this before you use Mass Install); also make sure you have at least 2 of Blackmail

• Blackmail – you do have 3 copies. IF you are about to lose the game, you can use 1 copy to get into the remote and snag the agenda so you can last another turn. Keep the other 2

Anyway, this deck is a lot of fun, and it’s hilarious to watch your opponent just stare at you wondering why you play Netrunner so bad.  Also, I’m sure this goes without saying, but this deck pretty much loses immediately if your opponent knows what you are doing. But, thems the breaks for living the dream!


11 Feb 2015 BahnCalamari

I've Had Worse is for those snares they have on top of their deck?

11 Feb 2015 omegalife2002

@BahnCalamari By the time you run, you really aren't worried about Snare. Besides potentially having I've Had Worse in your hand, by that stage in the game, you are easily hold 9+ cards in your hand, so the odds of flatlining are pretty low.

11 Feb 2015 BahnCalamari

@omegalife2002 How are you holding 9+ Cards in hand?

You spend all your clicks and 5 cards to set off this combo. Which actually means that you cannot have I've Had Worse in hand and hitting a single snare/shock before you see 7 pts loses you the game.

11 Feb 2015 BahnCalamari

OOOH Public Sympathy. I missed that the first few times.

11 Feb 2015 FilthyMcNasty

@omegalife2002 This idea is so beautiful it brings a tear to my eye. Now, just as a joke thought - what about adding one demo run to the deck, in case you somehow catch the corp's pants down and they have no credits to rez ice? Bam. Demo run their deck and just throw it all in to the trash.

11 Feb 2015 omegalife2002

@FilthyMcNasty Ha! Yeah, basically just switch your money usage from stealing agendas to breaking the ice with Crypsis. Most of time, since you aren't running, the corp will only stack about 2 pieces of ice on R&D. LOL, it's a pretty funny idea. Also, by doing it what way, you could use any of the Anarch runners, not just Valencia... which makes me a little sad because I was trying to find a deck that she could do better than any other runner.

11 Feb 2015 FilthyMcNasty

@omegalife2002 No, no this can still only be done with Valencia. Because the point is to end it all with a Blackmail run. I was just thinking of a 1-of to mess with the corp.

12 Feb 2015 TrungusWungus

So... what if they have a caprice there and you just fucked up the whole r&d access then they purge next turn...

12 Feb 2015 Dydra

You need some serious Bad Pub making 1x Investigative Journalism is hardly enough ... I mean 2 or 3 bad pub, they might consider if they will want to clean up or not ... but 1 is just too easy and if that bad pub is cleared entire deck is in the bucket :)

12 Feb 2015 omegalife2002

@TrungusWungus Easy, just don't lose the psi game! :P Honestly, unless the corp knows what you are doing, not many people are going to randomly commit a Caprice to R&D when you aren't pressuring them to do anything. Plus, you usually only have to worry about Caprice in Jinteki games, so adjust accordingly.

@Dydra This was a meta call to include only one, just as a back up. In my meta, nobody ever spends deck space on cards that clear Bad Pub. If you have a meta that does, then put 2 more of them in and get it down early. :)

13 Feb 2015 spiralshadow

My god this is so stupid. I love it. +1

13 Feb 2015 moistloaf

you're playing against some bad people if they don't commit Caprice to RND after seeing Valencia sit idle for turn after turn....

13 Feb 2015 omegalife2002

@moistloaf not everyone is just playing Jinteki

13 Feb 2015 omegalife2002

@spiralshadow It really is. Glad you enjoyed! :)

21 Feb 2015 steveklabnik

Played this at my local meetup tonight, pulled off a 28 and 33 card dig, winning both times. So much fun.

I never used the SMCs, though, so I might change up the influence a bit.

21 Feb 2015 omegalife2002

@steveklabnik fun right!? Feels soo good. :)

Yeah, I stuck in the SMC's for emergency situations where something just isn't coming to the top (Incubator, Djinn, Medium, etc) but I have rarely used it too. I could see it being cut.

25 Feb 2015 AwkwardPizza

Have you considered adding Hostages? It'll work with The Supplier, Rachel Beckman, and Joshua B, and you could add x1 of other connections if you need them, like Kati Jones. You could potentially cut one or two copies of The Supplier for them, since you can search for him with Hostages anyway.

8 Mar 2015 Tendril

I have a similar deck, but instead of SMC I run Logos. Let's you search for anything if the corp is scoring, or keeps the corp too scared to score. Does some serious work, one of the cards I'm most happy to see in my opening hand.

2 Jun 2015 Nagnazul

28 card access run on R&D today. Beautiful.

7 Oct 2015 MasterPrudent

Maybe it's just me (I tend to be pretty aggressive, probably too aggressive about purging virus counters) but I don't understand why anyone wouldn't immediately purge once you have a hivemind out and teeming incubators. Hell I'd purge once you had 5 plus counters on incubator regardless of what other cards you had out. I can't imagine why anyone would be scared off by even 3x Fester if you've let their economy chug away for 8+ turns.