Pre-Paid Komet

ibis 1

Nothing crazy here. Comet just seems like a natural compliment to PPVP Kate. Definitely looking forward to the SanSan cycle... and O&C isn't even out yet!

17 Dec 2014 dtelad11

Comet is definitely a natural complement to the PPVP event suite - being able to chain events is quite cool. I like the 1x Notoriety, especially when you can Dirty Laundry or some other run event and then play it.

I'm wondering why you're not capitalizing on that synergy further - why only two Comets? And it seems to me that Diesel or a third Quality Time might be superior to Earthrise Hotel (since you can chain it). Generally it seems like you might be able to squeeze in more events - Test Run followed by a Run event is great (so maybe a third The Maker's Eye?).

I think you might be aiming for too much with the Stealth suite, especially without Silencer, Cloak, or Lockpick. You could ditch the Ghost Runner, replace Dagger and Refractor with second and third Atman, get more events and standard econ (and probably a "Lady"), and I tend to believe the deck will be much smoother.