🌱 '25 Spring 🌱 Still Vegan Issuaq (2nd Torsaug CTK)

Wenjong 722

Urtica hasn't fired once on the day ... Snare probably does the job better as:

  • either remote bait behind our beloved combo ICE,

  • or random R&D bac pro follow-up when every other runner is on twinning now.

Magnet is technially Mulch/Ari tech, 3rd Data Loops would also be nice.

One final bucket list item crossed off before rotation hits, after probably hundreds of games with this comfort deck, I've finally joined the prestigous club of triple seamless Issuaq score.

  • Felt great in the moment, until 2 turns later hosh got Audrey and 2 chips down befroe i can money back up ... I need charlotte money plsssss 😅

Great Netrunner ... Great Torsaug ... I'll miss you all. ❤️