Off the Station

mootech 10

Blue Sun Off the Grid deck with emphasis on timing scoring windows and gimmicks for days. Tested in local tournaments and store championships, winning one and placing decently in others.

Card Choices: 3 Mushin because the 1-2click Mushin with 3click Off the Grid install is basically forcing the runner into a gearcheck. With no prior remote building, scoring is bursty and stress of econ is much reduced because only HQ needs to really be safe. Now when I say safe, i mean as close to impenetrable as you can get. The key to the deck is to severely gearcheck the runner. First: Can they break curtain wall? If they can, pull back the curtain wall and try the next step. Can they break Mother Goddess with all other rezzed ice recalled by blue sun? Third: Can they break both mother goddess and excal? etc. Swordsman in there for the same reason, and crisiums are important, but are used mostly as tax. Generally when playing this out, you will have 1-2 ice rezzed max, as you will continually be pulling them back and rotating in other types of ice. RD can cycle hive>enigma>taurus>janus for giggles.

Heavily reliant on reading the runner to see if they really can get in HQ or not. Glenn station is a recent addition because glenn station + atlas token for GT + GT on glenn station is hilarious. Really though, it fits with the theme of the deck. With only 7 agendas, RD needs minimal protection and a single curtain wall or rotating taurus and janus is enough. You will rarely have more than 1 agenda in hand, so you can tax the runner as much or as little as you want without risking losing too much on accesses.

It is also easy to misplay due to the gimmicks and card interactions, and demands that you think ahead a couple turns. Currently experimenting with some card choices. Ice could change, and the deck do needs to run a bit quicker. Average game is around 40 minutes.