Blood Red Prison

lightburied 71

OK, so who here as corp likes to kill runners? Now who likes to break runners? Now who likes to do both?

This deck has been germinating for a while in jnet casual. It's done well enough there that I feel like publishing it.

On one level, its basic 1000 cuts Jinteki: House of Knives, Snare!, etc. Blade tree, however, makes every time you poke them draw blood via the mill. So after that, why not throw in a Blacklist or two to keep their cards there. Why not throw a Genetics Pavilion to keep them from refreshing their hand? And just for grins, how about one Prisec just to mix it up a bit?

out of 12 pieces of ice, 8 do net damage. Synth DNA Modification has lots of targets. Kakugo has proven to be a good choice. Crick will also help with recursion, though with Friends in High Places and Preemptive Action, there's an argument that it isn't all that necessary.

I'll be upfront and say that Obokata Protocol is a monster. It protects itself, like the other major Jinteki 5/3, The Future Perfect. Unlike that card, though, OP also works while installed. Meaning that, unless they have a critic, it hurts too much to steal wherever it is. I've even scored it out with no ice guarding it.

Keeping up the pressure are two currents, Scarcity of Resources for early or even midgame tempo hits and Enforced Curfew to help land the kill or just turn off the Runner's currents.

Economy is where this deck can struggle. PAD Campaigns can be protected by Hostile Infrastructure, but them an IPO and your standard 3 Hedge Funds only go so far. On one hand, it helps play against Beth. On the other, money is money. Snare! is expensive, as are some of the ice. With Runner economies as good as they are, this can be a problem.

Other choices include an #Ark Lockdown (make sure blacklist is not in play when you use it!) and Cyberdex Virus Suite to deal with viruses. Its fun. A solid tier 1.5 or tier 2 deck, the kind I enjoy playing the most.