Peace on Tap

Diogene 4178

Apex problem : Slow, poor. Also, did I mention poor? Apex advantage : Best breaker in the game. Apocalypse baby! Near impossible to flatline.

On Tap

I choose to try to solve the poor part of the problem. Interesting that it help slow down the corp, helping a bit with Apex problem of being slow.

First, mulligan plan : You want econ in your hand at the start. At least 2 pieces of econ. Second best card is DreamNet, which will put pressure on the corp to spread itself.

About tags : As soon as you get hit by Hard-Hitting News, I suggest you go "tag me". Just use Apex: Invasive Predator ability and put every ressource that comes in hand on the board facedown, except Hunting Grounds, which is used immediately to get 3 cards facedown on the board. With Heartbeat and Reboot, you should be able to survive anything.

Also : ALWAYS keep your Adjusted Matrix and Endless Hunger in hand when they come in. You have only one breaker. There are many ways to destroy one program (like Best Defense). You need that breaker.

No fancy stuff using Assimilator. You need 12 credits to install the essentials (Adjusted Matrix, e3 Feedback Implants, Heartbeat, DreamNet). And 4 credits to install the good but not essential (The Turning Wheel, Hunting Grounds).

Instead, I tried to put as much econ card as I could. There is 18 cards that will bring in credits in one form or another. And Fencer Fueno help trash stuff for cheap. With 1 use of Peace in Our Time, you should be able to install everything that you need.

Tapwrm serve double duty. It can give you cred or slow down the corp. Both are good for you.

Endless Hunger really started working with Salvaged Memories. Apex needed some love and e3 Feedback Implants is the correct answers. Now, passing an ice is one card and between 0 and 3 creds. But it gets better. With Adjusted Matrix, you can pass any ice for 1 click and 0 to 3 creds (except you, NEXT Silver and Tour Guide).

The rest is the usual. DreamNet give you cred and draw, on top of a run. Reboot gives you a lot of card to feed Endless Hunger and Heartbeat. Hunting Grounds is useful against NBN ices and against Engram Flush. It can also be used in a pinch to get 3 cards on the board and save your life. Heartbeat allow you to facecheck ice and make the corp spend creds without fear of outright losing the game.

With this, Apex felt interactive and responsive.

5 Mar 2021 g4rr3t

Gotta say, this deck is pretty fun to play. Though, with Tag me approach, I think I would switch tTR with something else. It's fairly easy to loose it in the process of mindless predating (trashing resources by corp)

5 Mar 2021 Diogene

@g4rr3t thanks! Multiaccess is the main problem sometime. I'm very interested about what could be switched in the list. In making this list, I removed Rezeki and Apocalypse. The first was not bad, but not very fast (compared to Peace in Our Time) and the second was very hard to use with Adjusted Matrix.

Note that when you go tag me, depending on how rich the corp is, you could still install Fencer Fueno (which cost you 0c) to force the corp to use a click and 2c to trash it.

Thanks for the comments. Cheers!