Who Let The Dogs Out?

SofaJockey 7

This is the deck that got me back into Netrunner. It's simple, clean and easy to grasp. I built it myself with some help from a friend and it's one of the few decks I can say I'm proud of.

Playstyle: -Personal Workshop and Magnum Opus need to be out fairly quick. That's the reason for all the tutors, there is pretty much no excuse for not being able to play them early on.

-Once they are out, start piling the dogs on the workshop, taking your time to set up the hardware, drawing for the maker's eye if you want for that early aggression and clicking for money.

-Box-E is there for the extra memory for when you have too many dogs and the extra grip limit to hold onto your precious scavenges, stimpacks etc.

-The Stimpacks are there for when you need to go balls to the wall and get those last few agenda points, they give you the extra money you need along with Magnum and since you have the extra grip, you can afford one or two brain damage.

-If the game is going on for sometime, levy is there to restart it all. I was tempted to throw in a second one but so far I haven't played a game that required it. The uninstalls and constant recursion keep it a last resort.

Hope somebody else out there whips this up and tests it out, I'm curious if it's just my own meta this deck plays well in. Success and massive failure stories welcome.

26 Aug 2015 WayneMcPain

I realize this kind of ruins the theme of the deck, but Cerberus "Rex" H2 is a huge waste of influence in Shaper. Shapers have access to the best decoders in the game. Replacing Rex with Gordian Blade or Study Guide not only will save you 6 influence, but it will likely be much much cheaper to run, and saves your Scavenge.

Also, with Magnum Opus out, Sure Gamble becomes nearly worthless, and you have tons of tutoring to get it out fast. You could probably replace those with some drip econ like Daily Casts if you're worried about money. They have a bit more payoff with Opus than SG.

Also is Uninstall for your dogs? Cause if you do replace Rex, you probably don't need them. Having 3 copies of Lady and 3 Scavenge should be plenty of uses.

Love to see more Chaos Theory though. Have fun!

26 Aug 2015 deliveryman

Or play zu, he's a dog. I would say take Rex x2, and sure gamble x 3 one scavenge, and one makers eye. Add in one workshop, two femmes, two legworks, and two zus