Dirty Dan's spontaneous dancing sessions

Dirty Dan 108

Hey, I'm making more decks in wake of store champ season, and this particular deck peeked my interest enough to maybe build it if it works out?

(yes I know that Day Job isn't out yet, but If the next big box comes out before or between store champs and this works well, I'll probably give it a shot)

The main combo I made the deck for starts with a few pieces in play, Autoscripter and Savoir-faire and a Day Job and stimhack in hand.

If you couldn't already tell the play by the cards; Its a mid to late game wonder play. By bluffing the corp by showing them a scoring window you use Savoir-faire with an Autoscripter installed to install a program (if deep reds on the table the hope is a knight to cut costs) then playing Day Job, keeping in mind that you have the extra click from Autoscriptor you play a stimhack on the remote hosting the agenda with 17 (at best) to attack the server with.

I can see some issues with the deck from the get go but I am hopeful that I'm wrong. -The big issue that I see, is the chance that the Autoscripter falls off the table and I don't see the other, or if I just don't see them at all. I hope that the deck just plays well on its own utilizing its economy and effective breaker suit as it should. -The second is Replicating perfection, I've been thinking of taking out deep red and knight (maybe) for Doppelganger and something else (more Crypsis?) to deal with the need to run on a central server.