That Ol' Industry

Quillet 10

The latest form of a tax-IG deck I've been working on since the release of the ID, won't be messing with this version for quite a while as it's starting to lose the joy of having crazy long games and is becoming more of a chore.

The plan: Step 1: Lose early. No really, make a play early to force the runner to spend a lot of resources to gain 2 points so long as they didn't naturally gain advantage early (except when facing Adam).

Step 2: Leverage the tempo you gained from the sacrifice into board control. Throw out a couple Sundews the same turn with a few cards in Archives, or IA a Reversed Accounts in a spot they are likely to check. This is the moment you want the runner to think that they don't want to race your economy because sometimes they might be able to (I'm looking at you Whizzard players with Imp).

Step 3: Assemble your scoring server. Ideally it will be 2 big pieces of ice (optimally Assassin and Ashigaru) with some garbage tech on the outside (a random Crick can do wonders). Put a Jackson Howard in the server and just wait for Ash 2X3ZB9CY and Caprice Nisei to show up in your normal dumps.

Step 4: Pressure their resources. Throw the Dracō on R&D or Archives (whichever is more threatened) and start naked advancing some Ronins or Reversed Accounts. Make them invest in dealing with this nonsense and then just throw it back in with the Museum of History. Throw away The Future Perfect and Global Food Initiative to see them later. At this point you should start just filing out your ICE into the valuables (HQ is the least important of your key servers in 90% of matchups) and using your recursion on your poking tools.

Step 5: Despair. Just put agendas in the scoring server and go for it. Normally I like to deal with the 5/3s by putting them in blank, advancing 3 times, then advancing twice and scoring when the next agenda shows up from R&D. Any time you feel threatened by their ability to possibly get in, throw your latest poke into the scoring server and go from there.

All in all, this IG deck can be brutal, just devastating. It makes a lot of terrible economic decisions for the runner and punishes either reg-ass or faust builds depending on what ICE you put where. You never really go for the kill with this, but often times you can threaten the potential enough that they have to respect it at all times. Try it out, enrage some people, really this deck just drags the game out until the runner can't keep up anymore.
