Hollis "null" Eacho - the best dressed runner. V1


Lets start by saying that this guy works out and has a $300 haircut. Clearly the inspiration for this ID is netrunners best dressed and all around fan favorite, Hollis Eacho.

The left over influence is for wyldside NAPD cost.

Deck - basic good stuffs anarch with some card draw to get what you need and power Null's ID ability. The deck possibly needs another parasite, but it can always be fetch back with deja vu. Cutlery evens are there to get rid of annoying pieces of ice and combo well with EMP device to ensure that you don't need to get through too many rezzed ice to hit that critical one.

Fixed strength breakers look like a good fit with Null's ability and medium. some form of multi-access is important so turning wheel and medium fill these spots. 1x each of plas and sports hopper could change, however I think plas is better against dedicated kill decks and whilst sports hopper isn't it benefits from less dead match-ups.

26 Jul 2016 Phoenix

Just keep in mind that currently you have no way to break a Lotus Field. Given its not around much at the moment, but still. Also, 1 Yog and 1 Parasite as your only code gate solution is a major liability with no tutors.

Also, what is the Levi for?