Cash Andy (1st place Louisiana Store Championship)

ExplodyCat 506

For the store championship I went with one of my "cash andy" builds I've been tinkering with for awhile. Originally, I ran singletons of breakers but after having a few unlucky games where either I wasn't drawing what I needed or hitting a trash effect, I went with additional copies of my corroder and peacock. I then changed from a ninja to a Femme with faerie support to protect against power shutdown. An overall great decision as I went undefeated with both my Corp and Runner decks.

The deck is able to establish a strong economy very quickly and threaten R&D, HQ and any remotes effectively and strongly.

The two of keyhole ensures I get it quick, sometimes even on first turn where I would happily use an account siphon or hedge fund followed by keyhole and two R&D runs. Basically I work to make them as scared as possible of siphons and keyhole and then only use those effects in the most opportunistic way possible.

This slows down the corp greatly and results in much thinner ice on remote servers. From there on out, infiltration will suss out when an opponent plays an agenda and inside job/blackmail/stimhack or just strong economy will break the server to steal it. If playing against a fast advance deck, I like to make selective runs against HQ especially with the hopes of breaking their economy with a well timed account siphon. (Say after they spent much of their money on a biotic labor) At that point, run keyhole hard looking to kill agendas and key cards.

The most important strategic thing you can do with this deck is changing the board state drastically at an unexpected time. That is, don't play a same old thing until you're going to use it. Verify that you're going to hit an agenda using those infiltration before that. Basically abuse what the corp expects to be a safe scoring window or make them overextend themselves and take advantage. Remember, as a runner you have much greater control of scoring windows than the corp does.

17 Apr 2014 mplain

How is this deck's economy different from any other Andy build? Is it the inclusion of Stimhack that makes in 'Cash Andy'?

Keyholes are nice, of course. Do you think they're better than R&D Interface? Or is it, like, completely different? How so?

Eager to see your corp list! BTW, how many people were at that Store Champ?

17 Apr 2014 ibis

Keyholes are nice, of course. Do you think they're better than R&D Interface? Or is it, like, completely different? How so?

Major difference: You don't actually access cards with Keyhole runs. You see three and trash one. For this reason, Keyhole has a lot more versatility than R&DI and of course protects you from snares which R&DI does not. Naturally, if you actually do want to access the cards you trash you need to make the additional run on archives. So, in that sense, Keyhole is more click intensive.

What makes it really bonkers is that the corp shuffles after every Keyhole. Which means no R&D lock which means you see three "new" cards every... single... run.

17 Apr 2014 caesar

Do you manually clear tags from Account Siphon or let them accumulate? Doesn't seem to mesh well with Daily Casts/Kati-based econ.

18 Apr 2014 ExplodyCat

I'll often manually clean tags. Really the cash andy thing is from a more historic version of the deck as its evolved greatly over time with the iteration before this one running with NACH. With the presence of fall guy now, NACH may very well make a comeback for me in this build possibly replacing the plascretes.

Keyhole is much more efficient in my opinion than r&d interface as you can punish a corp in a much greater fashion over the course of a single turn than you can with r&d interfaces. With keyhole, as mentioned, you dont access so you can easily avoid snares. More importantly, it sets up stronger quicker as for 4 creds investment you gain a way to triple access and trash cards key to their deck. If they go low on money you can then keyhole repeatedly of course seeing up to 12 fresh cards on a turn.

As I hinted at in first paragraph, I used to run NACH but that fell out for the plascretes in this version, I'm certainly enticed now to put NACH back in with protection from fall guy. Otherwise yes I very much play it by ear. If the corp is broke from an acct siphon, its unlikely they will waste the turn gaining two to kill off a daily casts so you're safe to play them if theyre broke but youre more likely to punish them for being broke anyway. If I'm at a point where I cannot afford to lose kati jones is the only real time I worry about clearing tags manually. So basically that summary is if I bring them to 0 creds, I'll let them slow themselves further by trashing kati or a casts. Gives me more time to keyhole and my own economy should be much further ahead of theirs at that point. Levy AR is primarily more a holdover from when I ran a singleton breaker suite but its great for reenergizing your board position mid-late game

22 Apr 2014 mplain

Still, you mind sharing your corp deck from that tournament?