Kit - Blade Runner

romainnut 11

This may look like your classic "Rielle Gordian deck", but it plays a bit differently...

Eco engine is PC, with added pawnshop to further synergyse all the extra draw. Armitage is a beast with pawnshop, so 2 of those will provide enough cash on demand.

Only breaker here is gordian... so, how it works? first, you have to always run at least once per turn, to force the corp to let you in OR rez extra pieces of ice. If a server is protected by 2 ices, simply run, break the first for almost free (lockpick helps a lot here), and dont be afraid to jack out.

now corp has some rezzed ices... and we can parasite them (hopefully with some ice analyser money). Corp nowadays usually dont run a ton of code gates, due to yog being a thing. So in the early game chances are they will be force to rez non code gate ice as inner ices.

with all those pesky jinteki everywhere, you will always love to fetch for Net Shield.

10 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

I know Ice Analyzer is in there as aesops fodder, but I imagine with the cheap runs you're doing fine. I would do -3 ice analyzer +1 armitage +2 dirty laundry, seems like better econ IMO. I would be interested in trying this out.

10 Jan 2014 PeekaySK

You most certainly need a full set of Same Old Things (and maybe a second Levy) - otherwise if you don't win fast, you're just screwed.

Why the Mem Chips? Wouldn't 2x Dino be better for what you're doing here?

10 Jan 2014 x3r0h0ur

Thats funny I just put together my own version using Mopus econ and I stuck in 2 dino, its like a spinal modem only in faction with no drawback!

10 Jan 2014 romainnut

ice analyzer is always good. with kit ability, the corp will be forced to rez ices, and with parasites recursion this creds are always important. 2 ice analyzer, and all parasites are now free. So, early game it s a super compromised employee, and later in the game it s an easy mark with aesop.

dirty laundry is pretty good in this build too, I should try to find 3 spots for those. Maybe instead of 1 TR / 1 aka and 1 ICE analyzer.

same old thing is usually not that great, except with account siphon. 1 is all i need to run recklessly against jinteki, to trigger LARLA from discard.

Late game is good once you have an R&D interface installed. 2 is a must.

Concerning Dino : problem I see with this console is mainly tempo based. I dont want to pay 9 for my gordian, and to wait for it can kill you. lockpick usually is enough for gordian to break the first piece of ice encountered. Keep in mind that gordian keeps its str until the end of the run, so extra str isn't as useful as on yog for example. That 's why i prefere akametsu over dino ( and no, akametsu is NOT dyson !)

12 Jan 2014 BAGBRO2

Omni Drive is actually a like a mid-sized dino - And because it is a credit (instead of +STR) it works well for the Gordian Blade.

14 Jan 2014 romainnut

same athing as dinoo though, you have to install it BEFORE gordian. whereas here, i can just install things in any order, and so be fare more agressive early.