12th place EuAf - Crims are running again

JackMade 3259

I went 4-2 in games and the deck felt super solid. I just wasn't feeling MaxX and was excited to play running Crim again.

The 40 card deck size combined with the filtering and draw power of The Class Act and Aniccam was just amazing. One sleeper card that i overlooked at first is Jailbreak which does so much for Zahya Sadeghi: Versatile Smuggler. Early, you can poke a central while drawing cards and getting 2 of Zahya out of the deal which is very nice. Later on in addition to The Turning Wheel, it can give you the game winning extra access while not costing you money or influence (think Legwork or The Maker's Eye).

Notable excludes:

  • Sneakdoor Beta: I had the card in the deck and it was pretty good, but it turned out that i needed extra econ in glacery matchups and there Rezeki really shines. Because of the resulting memory issues and for slots, i cut the doors.

  • Aumakua: This might be wrong. I just thought that there are few matchups where i really want the turtle especially with all the purging (Cyberdex Sandbox especially) running around. Against Sportsmetal FA i missed it sometimes.

  • Earthrise Hotel: I just think this card is too slow right now and the combination of Aniccam and The Class Act was just faster and more reliable than Hotels.

  • Political Operative: I considered PolOp as an out against an otherwise unpenetrable server with Skunkvoid in it but came to the conclusion that Miss Bones is just better because she has uses against asset based decks as well and can clear out the remote pretty good. I think this was a good choice since i fast quite a lot of PD Rush decks and won most of my games. Getting into HQ isn't easy anyway against those decks, so installing the PolOp is pretty expensive.

Thanks to the organizers, to my team NWE and all my opponents for the amazing event, i had a blast! Cheers!

24 Aug 2021 5N00P1

Hey, congrats for the good showing and thanks for the game, it felt almost as good as IRL.
Do you face any Sports? And how did it end?

24 Aug 2021 JackMade

I really do not remember all the matchups but i played mostly against rushy or glacery decks.

I remember having a pretty good start against met4's Sports deck but losing with 1 counter on Vacheron. In general, the matchup is pretty variance heavy and dependant on early Vacheron steals or Luminal scores.